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Osama Bin Laden confirmed dead


There has been some pretty funny pages appear on Facebook after this, like:

Its amazing what Americans can do when the ps3 network is down



Haha yeh one of my favourites was something like:
Yeh let’s drop Osama in the ocean. Didn’t they see what happened to Megatron?!


I just ‘liked’ this one:

Osama Bin Laden - 100,000 Kills/1 Death. F**king Camper.

BAHAHAHAHA I love playing COD


The awkward moment when you realise that Osama Bin Laden made 7 horcruxes


blizzard_22 - 03 May 2011 11:51 AM

I just ‘liked’ this one:

Osama Bin Laden - 100,000 Kills/1 Death. F**king Camper.

BAHAHAHAHA I love playing COD

hahahaha, gold!

Mizu Kuma - 02 May 2011 11:09 PM

I agree that those images of the Americans that were dancing in the street, were so similar to that of the ones that make us cringe when we see it come from middle eastern countries!!!! I think that it is in pretty poor taste!!!!

But I do however, think that the world is better off without scumbags such as Bin Laden, regardless of how they or even who rids us of them!!!!!

Agree with both points.


So they dumped Osama’s body at sea…. doesn’t the US remember what happened with Megatron?

finney - 04 May 2011 06:33 PM

So they dumped Osama’s body at sea…. doesn’t the US remember what happened with Megatron?


K2_SnatchCrewSader - 03 May 2011 11:47 AM

Haha yeh one of my favourites was something like:
Yeh let’s drop Osama in the ocean. Didn’t they see what happened to Megatron?!

^^^^^^ rider, you and finney have got to spend a bit more time on the forums!!!!!  hmmm

Get Michelle to teach ya how!!!!!  raspberry




They have to be told these Canaussie’s, K2!!!!! After all they are a day behind!!!!!  cool smirk


so, the news yesterday was that he was unarmed but ‘resisted’. If I was the US I would have kept my mouth shut about exactly what happened. Just, this was a precision strike by a seal team and UBL was taken out. The world is now safer.
If I was Al Quaeda I would spin this to a straight out assassination of an unarmed man (which it was) and I would put in an extra layer of security around my couriers. In other countries you wouldn’t have gotten so much info from ‘sources who requested anonymity because they were unauthorized to speak to the media’


It’s good to see people not taking this too seriously.  My favourite was the camper gag!


They said “Unarmed”????

The guy used Rocket Launchers and Airplanes!!!!!

“When we first engaged the enemy, he was in possession of a Boeing 747, that was strategically mounted to his turban”
