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To the extreme!


Speakin about cars in snow!!!!

When we were in Japan, Myself, Mrs Mizu, Miss Pops, Baby Mizu and Warren Chapstick went out for dinner at a little place that was about a 1 hour Bus trip away from where we were stayin at!!!!!

When we came out of the “all drinks included” restaurant, we realised that we had missed the last bus home!!!!! Walked around the little village untill we found a hotel that could help us find a taxi to get us home!!!!

We had to get two taxis cause there was 5 of us!!!!

When we drove off from the hotel and were drivin down the exit road of the village, our taxi driver stated to sound a little panicked about somethin!!!!

When we looked up we saw the taxi in front, with Miss Pops, Baby Mizu and Warren in it, doin 360’s down the road bumpin off the snow bank and the side of the hill!!!!! We were only doin about 50Ks and when the taxi righted itself, our driver replied with much relief “OH SAFE, OH SAFE”!!!!!

We, Mrs Mizu and I, in the meantime were cackin ourselves in the back!!!!!

Pic of Baby Mizu and the Taxi that can do spins!!!!!


Done all kinds of “extreme” stuff over the years.  Some incredibly stupid stuff in and on cars that I won’t go into as it’s more idiotic than extreme.  Lots of surfing on some very big days, almost got myself lost at sea in Hawaii, was very farken scared that time.  A mate and I used to go walk around headlands on the northern beaches and try an pick out routes to climb them, mind you this is without any climbing experience or ropes.  There was a fair few times where you’re kinda halfway up and scared shitless cause going back down seems almost harder than going further up.  Turned around more than we made and had some white knuckle finger tip tearing moments doing that.

I always liked jumping off the blowhole at Warriewood, was always good for an adrenalin hit, haven’t done that for a very long time!  Never been skydiving or bungee jumping, kinda on the to do list just haven’t got around to it yet.

deanobruce - 02 May 2011 10:34 PM
tjswish - 02 May 2011 03:11 PM
deanobruce - 02 May 2011 06:46 AM

whats season was this? i had a mate work the bar there not last season but the season before

Yea that was the year, 2009.

I was also a waiter the nights I wasn’t night watchman. I remember the guys that were bartenders… I rode with them one night and they were pretty good. We were having shots then going down FV lol.

my mate was jared, if that rings a bell.  we would ride all day until he started at 3, we would do shit loads of shots then go riding. made the day more fun haha

Yea Jared was mad. Kind of sucked I only got to ride with those guys the once…


Gees Spaz I hope those experiences come with a “Not Recommended”!!


Every time I read the title to this thread…...

To the extreme, I just want to bust out into song


rock a mic like a vandal, Ice ice baby


  cool smile




Omg Azz worst song in history!!! But funny lol!


It reminds me of the guys in the suped up bronco in “Harold and Kumar go to white castle”. Constantly saying that everything was “EXTREME” with their arms crossed.

blizzard_22 - 03 May 2011 09:11 AM

Omg Azz worst song in history!!! But funny lol!

Why is it that all the crap songs, everyone knows the words to?

Who let the dogs out?


Azz - Light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle!!

Oh yeah!  shaka


Mr Doback and Nancy like it!!!!! Just watch this!!!!!


^^^ LOVE IT hahahahahaha Mizu vampire


LOL !!! Love that movie!!!

Azz - 03 May 2011 08:39 AM

Every time I read the title to this thread…...

To the extreme, I just want to bust out into song


rock a mic like a vandal, Ice ice baby


  cool smile

You know we’ve been doing it tandem across boarders, telepathically don’t you brother. wink

I actually break into it a few times a day - because I think about this thread or my new logo/business name the thought of either of them leads to the other then to: (picking up where you left off) Vanilla ice ice baby, den den den denallenen


Back on track after Azz took it off track with a crap song!

I have gotten to feed some scary animals, Tigers, Sharks, brown Bear, Snow Leopard, Tigon (beautiful animal that one), Cougars (as in the cats not old women) but scariest of all, feeding two white lions. Was feeding em Chicken drumsticks and they didn’t like to share. Ever heard a lion roar? Ever heard it roar less than a metre from your face?!

WOW tour - Canberra Zoo & Aquarium
