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Sleeping In Your Car?


I was wondering if anyone knew what the laws were on sleeping in your car? Is it legal? If so when are you allowed to and when are you not?
For example Truck/rest stops it must but ok, yeh?

But Im sure at car parks at the beach its illegal, and on the roadsides it also is.

..where this is leading to is can it be done at the snow? In the overnight car parks? or would you have to got a National/state park to do so?

Interested to hear what people know/think.


Last season I saw a few Camper vans in the O-Night Car parks at Thredbo!!!!!

Only a matter of time before they will stop it but, I reckon!!!!! I think that the Camping Grounds and purpose built areas like the Truck/Rest Stops are where they’ll say that ya supposed to be!!!!!

If ya get caught ya can just say that ya had WAY too many drinks the previous night, and that it was Dangerous if ya Drunk Drove!!!!! They should buy that one for the first time that they catch ya!!!!!


Yeh my mate slept in his car last yr at Falls and it was decked out with a matteress. That was going to be his excuse too. I spose unless they see/catch you you are fine. A campervan is different as its obvious, where as a small normal car, would they even know unless they put a tourch into every cars window?

Has spaz said that he has done it b4 in the spazmobile? cos he has that decked out for living in yeh?


3 full seasons, a couple of part seasons and lots of overnighters.

It’s not legal and best to be done in camping areas but if you are sensible and discrete…......


Not allowed at beaches, or roadside. Truck rest stops are for resting not sleeping.

Legally - only in camping grounds.

I don’t know if there are fines but they can definitely move you on.

And BTW if you drink to much and have car keys in your pocket it is assumed you have an intention to drive. If you are in your car and your keys are too - you can be charged with drink driving. Even if your asleep in the boot or passed out next to the passenger door unless someone else is there, sober and in possession of the keys it wont be a solid legal excuse.


I’m not going to dob myself in by giving away trade secretes. wink But Hotel VW is a fine pad.

This is how your car should look.



I worked with a guy that did seven seasons straight living in his car. Dedication I tells you !!!!!!!

Azz - 29 April 2011 09:58 AM

I worked with a guy that did seven seasons straight living in his car. Dedication I tells you !!!!!!!

If you had a van, it wouldn’t be so bad… Like a Ford Transit would be ok. And then you just have to whore yourself out and try to get a comfy bed every now and then smile

tjswish - 29 April 2011 03:10 PM
Azz - 29 April 2011 09:58 AM

I worked with a guy that did seven seasons straight living in his car. Dedication I tells you !!!!!!!

If you had a van, it wouldn’t be so bad… Like a Ford Transit would be ok. And then you just have to whore yourself out and try to get a comfy bed every now and then smile

So I take it that you’d be stayin in the Transit all the time then TJ????


When you sleep in your car it causes a lot of condensation which = rust but also results in anything damp becoming ice which adds to the cold factor.


Ventilation is very important !!!!


Only if you like breathing and waking up - ever !!!!!!!!!

CO2 is poison


I have some friends who sleep in a van at the ski tube


Warren, Fatima and myself are looking at doing it this season

fast eddie - 30 April 2011 07:49 AM

Warren, Fatima and myself are looking at doing it this season

You’ll be able to keep warm off the thermal properties of fatima!!!!!  smirk


Too much man love there eddie!!