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Classic Simpson’s quotes…


Milhouse: I can’t go to juvie. They use guys like me as currency.


Couldn’t help but post this, after Warren posted it in another thread the other day!!!!! LOL

Hi I’m actor Troy McClure, you might remember me from such self-help videos as “Smoke Yourself Thin” and “Get Some Confidence, Stupid!”

Billy - 22 April 2011 02:18 AM

Milhouse: I can’t go to juvie. They use guys like me as currency.



Homer: Let the bears pay the bear tax, i pay the Homer tax
Lisa: No thats the home owner tax

Moe: When i get ahold of you im going to stick sausages down your throat and stick starving dogs up ya butt!! Hahahahaha


Krusty :

“A joke, ah…oh….ok! A man walks into a bar with a small piano, and a twelve inch pianist…..whooaaa hooaaa…I can’t tell that one!!...huh huh huh huh huh!”


The only one i know

Flanders: Feels like im wearing Nothing at all

Mizu Kuma - 22 April 2011 05:45 AM

Krusty :

“A joke, ah…oh….ok! A man walks into a bar with a small piano, and a twelve inch pianist…..whooaaa hooaaa…I can’t tell that one!!...huh huh huh huh huh!”

That’s such a funny finny line. It was my only joke I ever got a laugh from….. it comes from something none Simpsons, I don’t know where, maybe a movie;
I used to do it almost word for word as Krusty but pianist is pronounced as penis and I would stop there then correct penis to pianist. That seemed enough to to get a laugh - maybe it was in the delivery, maybe it was because it was spaz screwing up the joke. Either way people laughed, if it was at me or with me, I didn’t care.

After it was on the Simpsons I stopped telling it and with that ended my joke telling days.

Now I just rely on people laughing at me…...


Nelson “go apple”
Bart “go orange”
Ralph “go banana!”