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Today is Judgment Day


According to the Terminator franchise, specifically The Sarah Conner Chronicles (which I see no reason not to believe), Skynet went live April 19th, 2011, at 8:11 PM, and Judgement Day will proceed today (April 21st).

Just in case, it’s been great knowing you all- hopefully we’ll survive to fight the machines and teach the future how to Snowboard . . I mean survive (wait, is that the same thing?  smirk )


in that case im going to my panic room, see you kids on the other side



Hahahahaha well that’s it im gunna start drinking and run around town saying the sky is falling and the world is going to end…..  shock


Oh crap!!!!! And I spent half the day in bed!!!!!

Why didn’t someone mention this earlier????  hmmm


^^ cause the world is better off with you in bed Mizu raspberry


^^ Warren… Read what you wrote again… Wrong!



Although you might have a valid point there Warren, there is now way that I’m lettin Zimbabwe share my pillows!!!!!  hmmm


What did i write that was wrong i don’t get it???


Ummmm . . Warren . . it kinda sounded like . .  red face . . you find the world a better place . .  oh oh  . . umm . .  rolleyes  having Mizu in bed. One might draw the conclusion you meant with yourself.    at the same time.    together.
Gosh this really could be seen as akward cheese


hahahahahahaha well we are staying together down at the shread LOL .........
Sorry i didn’t mean it like that


hahaha LOL



Warren Chapstick - 20 April 2011 11:15 PM

Hahahahaha well that’s it im gunna start drinking and run around town saying the sky is falling and the world is going to end…..  shock

Yeah, Um…..

Cause no one is gonna do that after today anyway. Because no one drinks over Easter/Anzac Day and with Winter starting to kick in: the climate change/sea rising/snow fall averages going down; talk is likely to be mentioned over and over and over and over (like it has for the last decade) Yep the sky IS falling!

I much prefer the Terminator story than Chicken Little - even if Terminator is riding off the fears of the mid 40’s - late 60’s.

We can laugh now (now Skynet hasn’t gone live - phew!) but it was as big a concern as global warming is now. We even had dedicated TV programs of the safest suburbs in Sydney outside of the blast zone and how to survive a Nuclear strike. This was in the early 80’s - pre Terminator (BTW the best place is the basement of a shopping mall wink ).
That was before the whole AIDS epidemic took over the fear mongering. Then we had the Golf War, then the 1998 perfect alignment of the planets (yes it was in 1998 not 20th Dec 2012), Y2K…....

That is the point of Chicken Little - the farm animals (people) are obsessed by our imminent doom - just because Chicken Little (the media) say the sky is falling and have all the evidence to prove it and everyone else believes it doesn’t mean it is happening.

Oh and as much as I loved T2, the Sarah Connor Chronicles and Rise of the Machines ‘The Terminator’ should never have “come back”.

I’m yet to see Salvation.


It’s April 21st here in the Northern Hemisphere now! Maybe it’s TODAY?  grrr


Oh yeah, forgot North America is behind Australia.

Correction rider; NoHe?????????? What about Japan?