The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive - need feedback



I’ve been slowly getting my Xcam site together.
It will have it’s own domain but for testing I have it here

Check out what I’m doing/done. Changes are made each day - some pages have no content ATM, some are a mess but I’d appreciate any feedback or opinions/suggestions etc…

Anything suggested I’ll attempt to change and you can see how it works.

It will be like a interactive community build.

Let me know what browser your viewing it on (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome etc)


Going through it now, but for quick feedback it looks great in Chrome.


Looks like you are in the middle of some updates again as things are a bit out of place. wink

I really like what I saw yesterday. I think the banner up the top is effective; it works well, looks good. I like the colour scheme although I feel the dark blue text gets a *little* bit lost with the black background.

My biggest issue is the Google ad. It kind of looks out of place, just floating around in the middle of the page. I understand the ads can bring in additional revenue but you need to weigh up whether the small Google revenue is worth sacrificing the quality of your page. That said, there may be a better way to work it into the page without it looking so out of place.

I’m loving the snowboard shaped buttons too!

Keep us updated on your website’s progress and I’ll keep give you feedback. Overall I think it’s looking really good (what I saw yesterday).


Thanks rider.

That google ad I was never sure about, and it wont even generate revenue because it is more a collection of snow photo’s of picked up of a website somewhere. I might replace it with a slide show or latest video window - for now I’m going to ditch it and see how it looks.

That’s if I can get the thing to publish! One of the pages has a corrupt file - just need to find the file!


Think it all looks tops!! I’m viewing on my iPhone, so mobile Safari. Good color scheme. Board buttons are sweet along with the tv/cam/Mac above them. Like the slight color glow around the main features and the xcam. Agree about the google and I reckon your on the money with a slideshow of recent footage and pics

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 20 April 2011 09:34 PM

I reckon your on the money with a slideshow of recent footage and pics


LOL or u could just have ^ there instead. Would be funny as haha


looks pretty good to me, easy to use, easy to get around, a couple of spelling mistakes but i’m guessing you will sort all that before its done


Don’t bet on it CRACKERS. Because of the dark background I don’t notice were spellcheck is prompting me (I ain’t no great speller) - 12 months after my original sight I was getting emails letting me know!!!! (still haven’t corrected them either)

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 20 April 2011 10:03 PM

LOL or u could just have ^ there instead. Would be funny as haha


For now it can fill the space. I think it could encroach on copyright if I keep it.


^^ That’s awesome! LOL

spaz, I’d be happy to read over everything for spelling and grammar before you send it live. It always helps to have a second person read over it; don’t trust the spell check.


That would be awesome rider (and anyone else who notices stuff)

Some harsh crit is welcome as I feel like I’ve hit a wall and struggling to get this site finished.

I guess the main priority was to get the rates on there.
What do people think of the $50/keep the SD card deal?
This is for either PolCam of HeadCam in the snow and came about as a way of employing people who can hire the camera’s in lift lines with little fuss. (employee’s make $45/hire (but have to buy the SD cards from me))

Priority #2 (i guess) is to get product pages complete.

#3 would be more video content and settle on how the video pages look.

I’ve run out of time and the site is going to have to go live by the time the next cold front rolls in (there will be snow in the next one wink )


Love the Header Graphics and Font!!!!! I’d lose the Mobile Phone Number (Just keep it in “contact us” - missin the “us”, and so is your site too, rider!!!!

Personally, I don’t like the Snowboards!!!!! Your business caters for so much more than just Snowboarding, so it shouldn’t promote any 1 sport!!!!

Love the graphics above each Category though!!!! Looks clean and Professional!!!!

Sponsors logos need to be placed somewhere else???? They look odd!!!! Maybe need to be B&W/Similar Colour Scheme, much like what Jeremy has done on BW!!!! (He doesn’t own the Patent!!!!  raspberry )

Hyperlinks - In the Main Menu Bar, lose the Underline (Looks Cleaner without!!!!)

”      ”  - Under each category they need to be all upper case maybe, and a touch smaller than the font in the menu bar????

I like Borat but he’s gotta go!!!!! While he’s pretty funny, the image doesn’t shout out “Professionalism” LOL  Less is More????

Maybe replace Borat with scrolling/intermittent flashes of B&W logos of sponsors/deals/latest uploaded vids (But not too many!!!! To me there’s nothing worse than a site that is too “Busy”!!!! Kind of like readin my post here!!!!)

I got carried away!!!! And ya can tell me to Piss Off if ya want!!!!  downer


Thats really cool Spaz!
Keep up The great work mate!!  shaka


Piss off Mizu!!!! just cause I wanted to tell you that - not because your input isn’t worthy IT’S AWESOME!!!!! smile

I figure the snowboards are just a nice (and different) shape and hope that most people wont even realise they are snowboards but judging from the reaction they are obvious (unfortunately) as your point about them is my only hesitation. I tried other things like skateboards, surfboards etc but they were very obvious. My hope is they are better than a standard button? After the site goes live I can add a rollover effect.

Borat isn’t staying - he is just a place holder! - I played with a slideshow today but put to many photo’s in it. It’s kind of a problem with all the great photo’s I have wink
Like Mizu said it can’t be to busy - I’m pretty set on it being were the latest or featured vid will go - like on the front page of The only down side is that it’s a video and the home page needs to load instantly and give visitors the option to chose where on the site to go to next. Like Boardworld’s home page.

I’m going to simplify the home page and see what you guys think…. no spono’s, upper case (a little smaller), lose Borat. Let me know…..

question What do others think of the ph no. - I so often go to a site looking for the contact info (if it’s a site offering a service) and have been very grateful to find the ph. no. on any page I land on, my feeling is it says I’m happy to receive a call, call me now, do it, don’t hesitate (or am I spazzing out?)

Of course no underline in the menu bar (D’oh) they are obviously links - this is why I’ve asked you guys to check it out, I need people to counter my spaztardedness. Well done Mizu!!!! I hope you keep getting carried away with the advise - it might encourage others to offer some harsher criticism and suggestions. Which is hard to - do I know.

Thanks amakat, but I need help ATM to keep up the work and get it done by yesterday. Here’s your task - Find something you don’t like, please oh oh


well, i’ll try wink