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The nic and golfpunklegend conversation thread

I was going to hit the rails but one of the reasons was i failed the breathalyse test :(

golfpunklegend - 20 August 2009 12:57 AM

there was. quite the crowd stunner i reckon. someone threw a backflip leading up to the log

Sweet, you don’t happen to have a photo of the whole setup even if it is poor quality?

golfpunklegend - 20 August 2009 12:59 AM

I was going to hit the rails but one of the reasons was i failed the breathalyse test :(

They wouldn’t have let you on that night would they, I assume pre-registered

nic - 20 August 2009 01:23 AM
golfpunklegend - 20 August 2009 12:57 AM

there was. quite the crowd stunner i reckon. someone threw a backflip leading up to the log

Sweet, you don’t happen to have a photo of the whole setup even if it is poor quality?

I do. I will post it up in a bit. You should just be able to make out the shapes…lol

nic - 20 August 2009 01:25 AM
golfpunklegend - 20 August 2009 12:59 AM

I was going to hit the rails but one of the reasons was i failed the breathalyse test :(

They wouldn’t have let you on that night would they, I assume pre-registered

I asked them the night before, they said, come down, and tell us and it’d be sweet.
I came down at like 6, and then they said the comp would start at 6.30 ish and so i grabbed a marky mark with my hotdog. then before i got on, they breathalysed me and i failed.
after that, i just had a few more drinks and watched them pull some mad tricks out of the bag


Thats the A box.

Thats the run down. sorry i took it on a wierd angle…

fyi, they’re not bad quality, they’re photographic techniques at they’re best


Sorry, left one out.
this one shows the A box or whatever you call it and all the way at the end you can just make out the log.


heres one more but i didnt take it smile


Wow that does seem like a poor set up.
Sad really, because all the time and money that goes into creating an event like that. For it to not go well and only be set up half-good… dissapointing, I wish it was better for you all.


You’d gain a lot of speed from the drop-in, which is good cos you can pull harder tricks with more speed but also daunting with so little snow and barely any space at all at the end as you can see in the pic.
I think it was because buller got rained on before…


You were right about the small amount of snow.


everyone ended up just resorting to slamming into the fence


No harm in hitting a fence like those portable ones. Humans > mobile fences


Theres no harm really. It just prevents riders from truly gaining control after landing their tricks off the a frame.

nic - 20 August 2009 11:32 PM

No harm in hitting a fence like those portable ones. Humans > mobile fences

Nopthing like a board edge banding into you shins.