The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


The nic and golfpunklegend conversation thread

Babies sound like fun…


you wait till you’re legal alright? raspberry
my cousin had a child at his early stages of 17.
Despite how cute his baby boy is, his mums deserted him and the baby is always with my aunty and never with his dad

golfpunklegend - 18 August 2009 06:39 AM

you wait till you’re legal alright? raspberry
my cousin had a child at his early stages of 17.
Despite how cute his baby boy is, his mums deserted him and the baby is always with my aunty and never with his dad

Ah, I don’t want a baby now.
A little unfortunate for that child, was that a planned pregnancy?


anyways, im heading off soon to that rail jam in glenferrie smile
ill try to get some pics of it if im not off on 2 dollar pots raspberry


Cool sounds like the railjam should be good, try to get photos prior to cheap pots, lol


A much quieter night for the two lads wink

nic - 18 August 2009 06:53 AM

Cool sounds like the railjam should be good, try to get photos prior to cheap pots, lol

ahh im back already. early night for me.
it was dark, my camera phone couldnt see much.
I could put up a couple of pics but they’re ridiculously sketchy and hard to make out.
i got a free marky mark on entry and had about 6 2-dollar pots… great bloody night.
The setup was very poor though. not enough snow, not enough space and a ramp too steep for most riders.


Wooooow, you guys are killing it!! almost 4 pages.. Sensational! Better get those sticker packs ready J!!! hahaha!


We needed a place like this though, for randomness and general comments.
It is good that 2 active and involved members like GPL and nic get the credit, too.

We need a few more members like them.

golfpunklegend - 18 August 2009 12:58 PM
nic - 18 August 2009 06:53 AM

Cool sounds like the railjam should be good, try to get photos prior to cheap pots, lol

ahh im back already. early night for me.
it was dark, my camera phone couldnt see much.
I could put up a couple of pics but they’re ridiculously sketchy and hard to make out.
i got a free marky mark on entry and had about 6 2-dollar pots… great bloody night.
The setup was very poor though. not enough snow, not enough space and a ramp too steep for most riders.

Unlucky on the pictures


the riders couldnt even land their tricks.
There was a rather steep drop, a small kicker leading up to a A box(up-down box) and right after that, there was about a metre and a half of snow before a log on 45 degrees.
riders couldnt quite land their tricks but some impressive work still thrown down


So nic, did you have to get evacuated at all man?

golfpunklegend - 19 August 2009 07:25 PM

the riders couldnt even land their tricks.
There was a rather steep drop, a small kicker leading up to a A box(up-down box) and right after that, there was about a metre and a half of snow before a log on 45 degrees.
riders couldnt quite land their tricks but some impressive work still thrown down

I heard something about a backflip from my brother who went

golfpunklegend - 19 August 2009 07:36 PM

So nic, did you have to get evacuated at all man?

No, I know people who went but we were never told to leave jsut advised on the radio/tv/internet. At my place we were in no real danger (unless the wind had changed again after it did)

nic - 19 August 2009 11:49 PM
golfpunklegend - 19 August 2009 07:25 PM

the riders couldnt even land their tricks.
There was a rather steep drop, a small kicker leading up to a A box(up-down box) and right after that, there was about a metre and a half of snow before a log on 45 degrees.
riders couldnt quite land their tricks but some impressive work still thrown down

I heard something about a backflip from my brother who went

there was. quite the crowd stunner i reckon. someone threw a backflip leading up to the log