The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive



amakat - 18 April 2011 11:38 AM

Hehehe, i will, but im gona try and keep it that way cheese

For at least a few days.

spaz - 18 April 2011 09:40 AM

He doesn’t even own a square!!!


rider26 - 18 April 2011 05:39 PM
spaz - 18 April 2011 09:40 AM

He doesn’t even own a square!!!


Oh, go on laugh it up “Super Admin”!!!!!  hmmm

tjswish - 18 April 2011 01:21 PM
amakat - 18 April 2011 11:38 AM

Hehehe, i will, but im gona try and keep it that way cheese

For at least a few days.

haha wel there goes that idea, mizu got his posts back, and were all still down on a few!!
Rider you should have let him earn them all back!!


You guys were never gonna catch me anyways!!!!!

Just be happy with what ya have!!!!!  LOL


What do the square’s mean anyways?

snowdragon - 19 April 2011 03:09 AM

What do the square’s mean anyways?

If you have to ask then you’re not ready for them. Somebody take that man’s squares away!

CRACKERS - 18 April 2011 09:36 AM

who is this Mizu bloke? got 12 posts and thinks he runs the joint

I like this!

6000posts in one day sounds like a spammer to me. Mods! delete that account!

Gamblor - 19 April 2011 05:31 AM
CRACKERS - 18 April 2011 09:36 AM

who is this Mizu bloke? got 12 posts and thinks he runs the joint

I like this!

6000posts in one day sounds like a spammer to me. Mods! delete that account!

Careful there Gamblor!!!! He’s got a Hair Trigger Finger when he hears them words!!!!! Gadsarnit!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 19 April 2011 05:41 AM
Gamblor - 19 April 2011 05:31 AM
CRACKERS - 18 April 2011 09:36 AM

who is this Mizu bloke? got 12 posts and thinks he runs the joint

I like this!

6000posts in one day sounds like a spammer to me. Mods! delete that account!

Careful there Gamblor!!!! He’s got a Hair Trigger Finger when he hears them words!!!!! Gadsarnit!!!!


I had to delete another spammer this morning and I was sooooo careful. It took me about 5 minutes just to hit the CONFIRM button.  grrr



rider26 - 19 April 2011 05:26 PM
Mizu Kuma - 19 April 2011 05:41 AM
Gamblor - 19 April 2011 05:31 AM
CRACKERS - 18 April 2011 09:36 AM

who is this Mizu bloke? got 12 posts and thinks he runs the joint

I like this!

6000posts in one day sounds like a spammer to me. Mods! delete that account!

Careful there Gamblor!!!! He’s got a Hair Trigger Finger when he hears them words!!!!! Gadsarnit!!!!


I had to delete another spammer this morning and I was sooooo careful. It took me about 5 minutes just to hit the CONFIRM button.  grrr

LOL I could picture ya pacin back and forth!!!!! Hand shakin!!!!


Haha I can picture it too. Was that mr seo services?


Yeah…  rolleyes

Do they seriously think someone is going to pay for their services because of their spamming efforts? If they were actually good at SEO people would be finding them through search engines.


Exactlly. Spamming has no purpose other than pissing people off