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rider26 - 13 August 2009 02:34 PM

I’m also a sucker for magazines like National Geographic and New Scientist… good stuff in there.

Yeah, new scientist is great as well as national geographic. I like a lot of the sicence publications too on the net if they count.


So what is the difference with the US version of the same snowboarding as the AUS version?
is it only the local advertisements?

snowslider - 17 August 2009 02:46 AM

So what is the difference with the US version of the same snowboarding as the AUS version?
is it only the local advertisements?

Well see we don’t get the US transworld etc down here until it’s our summer, and only get the Aus/NZ magazines (A & NZ Snowboarding/Snowboarder, Transfer etc) down here in our season…so if we want year-round snowboard magazines, especially here in SA, we have to order them in or hope they still have one of the 2 copies they order a month late…

So really the Aus ones are only of our season down here (3-4 issues usually), and as such have SH centred content, whereas the US mags we get down here are from the NH winter…don’t know if I made that into any sense but yeah…we don’t get both at the same time if that’s what you were asking…

surferguy56 - 12 August 2009 05:56 PM

Movement - Bodyboarding
Riptide - Bodyboarding
Australian Snowboarding - Shred
Australian Surfing Life - Surfing
RALPH - Perve Mag

Im a big fan of mags when i dont have to bother going and buying them but I find that nearly all the surfing/snowboarding mags are pretty juvenile (theres a big difference between punk anarchy they strive for and the i got pissed/spewed and tried to get a root that every article seems to be about…id just read ralph if thats what i was after wink ) , and that gets pretty boring to read.
I read movement/riptide when i can steal them offmates or my brothers
pacific longboarder or surfing world if i can steal it off my dad
popmag if i can find it
I just stole the NZ snowboarding mag out of my friends bag on the plane when he was asleep…its pretty good actually.
Frankie : this is supposedly a girls magazine but i read it compulsively every issue when my gf buys it.

bangabain - 17 August 2009 04:16 AM
snowslider - 17 August 2009 02:46 AM

So what is the difference with the US version of the same snowboarding as the AUS version?
is it only the local advertisements?

Well see we don’t get the US transworld etc down here until it’s our summer, and only get the Aus/NZ magazines (A & NZ Snowboarding/Snowboarder, Transfer etc) down here in our season…so if we want year-round snowboard magazines, especially here in SA, we have to order them in or hope they still have one of the 2 copies they order a month late…

So really the Aus ones are only of our season down here (3-4 issues usually), and as such have SH centred content, whereas the US mags we get down here are from the NH winter…don’t know if I made that into any sense but yeah…we don’t get both at the same time if that’s what you were asking…

Many Australian magazines have options for international subscriptions and I assume vice versa if that’s what you’d like to do.


In the US we dont really see much info on non-us versions of the magazine, that is partly why I am asking.
We get one summer issue, usually so it feels like I get them year round.

I understand you CRACKERS about the juvenile feel of the rags. At one point it is marketed to a 15 yr old, and then at another time it talks about sex, drugs and Rock-n-roll. maybe not a good mix up?

snowslider - 17 August 2009 08:37 AM

In the US we dont really see much info on non-us versions of the magazine, that is partly why I am asking.
We get one summer issue, usually so it feels like I get them year round.

I understand you CRACKERS about the juvenile feel of the rags. At one point it is marketed to a 15 yr old, and then at another time it talks about sex, drugs and Rock-n-roll. maybe not a good mix up?

Well basically the gist of the articles in the Australian magazines from this year I have laying around *goes and grabs a couple* consist of International riders at Australian spots (DC sessions Guthega dam, FRENDS in Aus, Jibber Jones & Keegan @ Falls, TRice in NZ, et cetera) or Australian riders in international spots/Aus rider interviews (less frequent - eg. Clint Allan with Nico Muller, Jye Kearney in NYC, Nate Johnstone & Robbie Walker interviews) and a whole bunch of ads that would have been around in the early NH season…

BUT at least it’s something…:)

snowslider - 17 August 2009 08:37 AM

I understand you CRACKERS about the juvenile feel of the rags. At one point it is marketed to a 15 yr old, and then at another time it talks about sex, drugs and Rock-n-roll. maybe not a good mix up?

Ahaha….. publicity stunt?