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Hey everyone,

I need a new car, after mine got squished in an accident a week ago. I want a good all round car, good for the snow (when there is snow on the road), plenty of room for snowboards/surfboards/golf clubs and well priced..

What do you recommend?



Hello, were you thinking of buying brand new or used? I hear X-trails (Nissan) are good for the snow from a few friends but I’m pretty sure they take a fair amount of petrol.


If I was in North America i would like a truck.. but Australia doesn’t make big trucks..


Used - And needs to be good on petrol too..


A good old landrover wink - there’s a bit of a starting point for Australian car sales and you can specify region to. In Australia we call them utes (short for utility). A Toyota Hilux may be ideal. Hope this is of some use.


Here are some more useful links:


Thanks Nic..



We kinda have the same ideas when it comes to getting a set of wheels.. Something spacious, conservative and practical too ya? smile

Anyhoo my list of cars would be Subaru Impreza Hatch;=-1046350608&pt=1

Commadore Station Wagon

orrrr a Toyota 4 Runner (great for adventure);=-190761219&pt=1

Im currently in the US right now and have seen some great trucks on the road.. Dodge to a pretty good one along with toyota too.. Gas, aherm i mean petrol over here is crazy cheap 70 cents a litre.. Well there abouts… Soooo good! smile


Landrovers are sweet, but expensive.

Anything ALL WHEEL DRIVE I would say.
I own 2 Subarus and I like them.
they tend to leak oil eventually though.

There are many AWD options out there now, without the size of an SUV, and the gas costs of an SUV too.
All Subarus are AWD.

surferguy56 - 15 August 2009 04:07 PM


We kinda have the same ideas when it comes to getting a set of wheels.. Something spacious, conservative and practical too ya? smile

Anyhoo my list of cars would be Subaru Impreza Hatch;=-1046350608&pt=1

Commadore Station Wagon

orrrr a Toyota 4 Runner (great for adventure);=-190761219&pt=1

Im currently in the US right now and have seen some great trucks on the road.. Dodge to a pretty good one along with toyota too.. Gas, aherm i mean petrol over here is crazy cheap 70 cents a litre.. Well there abouts… Soooo good! smile

I think you guys should stop flaunting your petrol prices… raspberry

surferguy56 - 15 August 2009 04:07 PM

Gas, aherm i mean petrol over here is crazy cheap 70 cents a litre.. Well there abouts… Soooo good! smile

70 cents?! That works out at about 85 Australian cents. atm we have petrol at $1.30.

nic - 15 August 2009 10:56 PM
surferguy56 - 15 August 2009 04:07 PM

Gas, aherm i mean petrol over here is crazy cheap 70 cents a litre.. Well there abouts… Soooo good! smile

70 cents?! That works out at about 85 Australian cents. atm we have petrol at $1.30.

How about $2.90 / gallon.

Are you guys talking about per liter.

snowslider - 16 August 2009 12:13 AM
nic - 15 August 2009 10:56 PM
surferguy56 - 15 August 2009 04:07 PM

Gas, aherm i mean petrol over here is crazy cheap 70 cents a litre.. Well there abouts… Soooo good! smile

70 cents?! That works out at about 85 Australian cents. atm we have petrol at $1.30.

How about $2.90 / gallon.

Are you guys talking about per liter.

Per litre indeedy…

it did get down to just under $1 a litre a couple of months ago, but has gone back up since then…we have a stupid “cycle” of fluctuating petrol prices at the moment though, which has been going on with the big chains (woolworths/coles/bp/mobil) for a few years…basically half the week is much more expensive than it should be, and the other half is cheaper than they SAY it should be, but in reality it’s just cheaper than the more expensive days…we also have this voucher system instigated by coles/woolworths where if you spend $30 at their supermarkets/department stores you get a 4c/litre voucher to get discount off petrol at their petrol stations. basically a great system to run the independents out because they simply couldn’t stay competitive, having to buy much less petrol than the big dogs at a much greater price, and not being able to sell it at a price that could keep them sustainable, but still be competitive with the chains…anyway that’s another side story…

Example of petrol prices - this last week, at our service station in McLaren Vale (pretty representative of city prices)
Sunday 128.9 (124.9 with a voucher)
Monday 123.5 (119.5)
Tuesday 121.6 (117.6)
Wednesday 121.6 (117.6)
Thursday 134.2 (130.2)
Friday 132.9 (128.9)
Saturday 132.9 (128.9)
Sunday (today - watch this space)

big dip on Tuesday/Wednesday followed by a massive jump to Thursday…sucks bigtime if you miss the cycle…

now LB, really sorry I have paid zero attention to the actual point of this thread so far, but now I am smile

Depending on how much you are looking at spending, have you thought about going with a later-ish model diesel 4wd? A few of my relatives have had various models of 4wd’s, both petrol and diesel, across their driving span, having driven them multiple times from Adelaide up to the victorian snow and back, beaches, actual 4wd-ing, and the one that they have stuck with for both what they need it for, as well as fuel economy, is a Mitsubishi Pajero diesel…might be a little big for what you are looking for, but if you could get one of the more “SUV” type awd’s that are around these days (like snowslider was saying - subaru forester, honda crv, toyota rav 4 etc) and combine them with a diesel engine (don’t know whether any of these come with one sorry), personally I think it would kill two birds with one stone - give you the size/space you need but with the economy of a diesel so your petrol bills wouldn’t be exorbidant…

Just my 2 cents…:)

Oh, but if you were still looking for a “truck” style ride, have you looked at a nissan navara/mitsubishi triton? the later models are probably the closest to the F250 style “american” truck as I have seen here…don’t know whether that would be what you are after is all…

sorry, hope some of this helps, or at least doesn’t hurt…

bangabain - 16 August 2009 02:52 AM
snowslider - 16 August 2009 12:13 AM
nic - 15 August 2009 10:56 PM
surferguy56 - 15 August 2009 04:07 PM

Gas, aherm i mean petrol over here is crazy cheap 70 cents a litre.. Well there abouts… Soooo good! smile

70 cents?! That works out at about 85 Australian cents. atm we have petrol at $1.30.

How about $2.90 / gallon.

Are you guys talking about per liter.

Per litre indeedy…

it did get down to just under $1 a litre a couple of months ago

Where abouts are you bangabain cos as far as i know, its been well above a dollar for a litre here in melb for a fair while now

bangabain - 16 August 2009 02:52 AM

Example of petrol prices - this last week, at our service station in McLaren Vale (pretty representative of city prices)
Sunday 128.9 (124.9 with a voucher)
Monday 123.5 (119.5)
Tuesday 121.6 (117.6)
Wednesday 121.6 (117.6)
Thursday 134.2 (130.2)
Friday 132.9 (128.9)
Saturday 132.9 (128.9)
Sunday (today - watch this space)

My local area’s stations are similar as prices hike for the weekend. Tight-ass Tuesday happens for petrol too. strange world, haha. On the topic of diesel it can be quite pricey in Australia and fluctuates but generally works out slightly better on price.