The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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shots from all the crew practicing for the big air comp tomorow at falls creek
hope you enjoy, ill be sure to get some shots of the event tomorow.
Great album. I especially like this one
Lookign forward to photos from the comp. tomorrow
nelson, whats the setup like in falls right now?
nelson, whats the setup like in falls right now?
Nelson’s posted a photo of the setup in the photo thread, check it out.
Checked it out dude.
Shame i cant see whats the features are like.
Looks like a decent setup at least.
If you look in his new album you can see a few more angles on the setup.
Dont see no other pictures of setups in his other albums.
they’re all of surfing,melbourne, skating etc.