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Best Quotes ?

golfpunklegend - 11 August 2009 05:53 AM

I’ve been quoted twice now. I feel almost as important as the simpsons are to the aussie dinner table.

Dinner at 6? That’s really early for me more like 7:30-8:30. 6 = simpsons o’clock


Lols maybe its just me that has early dinner.
o well, wednesdays tv schedule for the simpsons should fit your dinner routine then wink


Yeah, Wednesday simpsons is great (Mainly because there are more episodes raspberry).
My dinner might be late and yours normal though, as everyone at my place comes home
relatively late (sport commitments, uni, etc.)


Would you by any chance know a Scott Mckean, he used to go to lilydale high school but he moved off to melbourne high

golfpunklegend - 11 August 2009 08:54 AM

Would you by any chance know a Scott Mckean, he used to go to lilydale high school but he moved off to melbourne high

Nope can’t even find him in last couple of years of salamanders (school photo books). How long ago was he there?


ahhh long time ago.
He left in year 8 but he’s still in lilydale and plays cricket, footy etc. so maybe you might’ve known him.
He would be in year 12 this year if he stayed.


Ah, I’ve skipped a year (in the accelerated learning program) and am in year 11 this year so he’d have been in year 9 when I started. I also bus in from the yarra valley and don’t play cricket or footy for any lilydale clubs. No idea who he is and still couldn’t find him in the photobooks.


Ah dont worry about it then. Yarra valley, im just gonna guess a stereotype and say you live on a farm? >.<


Haha, not the stereotype but we grow apples although I’m not very involved. Just help out where needed. Off to uni for me after school, don’t want to end up running the orchard.


back to the quotes topic
Russell Brand (comedian) - Some people, I think they’re called racists, say America is not ready for a black president, but I know America to be a forward-thinking country because otherwise why would you have let that retard and cowboy fella be president for eight years?


“C’mon guys, why do some organisms asexually reproduce? We all know sex is better with someone else” - My old science teacher in mid-2008


for the maths minds out there, my teacher once taught me the secret to picking up girls.
“Excuse me, but can i touch your curves with my aysmptote?”

golfpunklegend - 11 August 2009 11:56 AM

for the maths minds out there, my teacher once taught me the secret to picking up girls.
“Excuse me, but can i touch your curves with my aysmptote?”

Teacher joke. Here’s another math orientated joke


So old its almost a classic. Are you doing specialist maths next year mate?


No, it won’t run at my school most likely anyway and methods is good enough since I only need 4 3/4 sequences next year (2 this year)