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How`s the food at your resort?

Is it overcooked /undercooked and too expensive?

I don`t find it to be very appealing in the NoHe so I take a few powerbars and a gatorade with me..I usually stash the gatorade at some “hidden” location on the hill so I don`t need a backpack…


I would have to say that the food may be good at times but it is way to expensive.. It can cost almost $20 for a simple mean of a hamburger and fries, plus a drink. They definitely need to work on that in the NoHe


I think resort food univerally blows just because resorts are run by coperations so profit is always by far and away the most important aspect, plus they don’t need to try too hard cause they have a monopoly on the hill, plus it must be hard to get fresh produce up there often with the transport complications of getting food to a restaurant in the middle of the hill. Not that it is terrible, just that it is normally pretty dam average.


yeah in NZ i end up packing a drink and some snacks and just buy a scoop of chips or something, its cool at one mountain you get these discount food/drink coupons with your season pass so you can get hot chocolates and coffees for like one or two dollars which is handy


It’s not just the transport cost issue, in Aust resorts are only open for 18 weeks and really the first and last 4 weeks don’t count, so it’s only 10 weeks to cover expenses for 12 months. I understand the expensiveness of resorts. But I do take food/drink on the hill. I buy powdered Gatorade and mix it myself, the cupboard is fully stocked for the season, I buy a powerade a every now and then to get a new drink bottle.

We do eat on the hill and in the resort, but try to occasionally-which is hard as there are so many good places to eat, there are places to avoid too. When you pay $15 for a hamburger you expect it to be quality. If it’s quality-I’ll pay.

letitsnow09 - 15 June 2009 09:07 PM

.... its cool at one mountain you get these discount food/drink coupons with your season pass so you can get hot chocolates and coffees for like one or two dollars which is handy

I like that idea, it would benefit the businesses as the staff wouldn’t be


coffee to their friends all the time. wink


Lame - like really lame.
I basically have 2 “home” resorts though…
One = HORRIBLE and the other which is much larger… They have a few different options of places to eat etc…
There’s good food there. - It’s just expensive.


yeah its expensive but i think the food at thredbo and perisher is usually pretty good….the kebabs are awesome and you can always find something good to eat, just gotta be prepared to pay for it i guess


Quite good, actually, and without the major price inflation you normally see. The food quality at French resorts takes the cake, not surprisingly.

But that’s Europe, the food at resorts in the States is universally awful. Okay, Alpine Meadows excepted ‘cause they have Gordon Biersch and their garlic fries, but you still pay a fortune.


The food at my resort is horrible and expensive. I always pack food and eat at the car.


The only time I have ever had good food on the mountain was in Japan.


Taco Salads on blackcomb! so good, and so much food we always struggle to do up our bindings after lunch.


taco salad blackcomb / salad plate whistler are the only two edible things on WB. I whole heartedly believe this after multiple gut wrenching meals were intaked throughout the season. Plus the foodstaff at both mtns look so pissed/hungover/uncaring you cant help but imagine the lack of effort that goes into foodprep. Pack a lunch and screw Intrawest/Fortress.


Aw come on, the food at Whistler / Blackcomb is heaps better than anything at the U.S. resorts, but still way short of the stuff in Europe.


Japan was the best. Mcdonalds on the hill. so bad for you, but so good at the same time. nothing like a mcflurry when its puking snow outside


I must admit, I ate McDonald’s a couple times on the the hill in Japan. Where were you louise?