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MTV snow jam


I had a Burton press release sent to me one year that talked about avoiding the neononepiecevirus.

Bright colors are great in the backcountry for safety, but I’m usuall in bounds at smaller resorts, so Yea… all black for me.
Simple and everything matches.

Homework and I think alike apparently.


I’m with the all black/dark style definitely. One of my friends went out and bought a bright purple ski jacket the other week.
People become easier to recognize when they are wearing them but I personally wouldn’t.

HOMEWORK - 03 August 2009 10:27 AM

I thought the one piece/retro ski suits fad died in 2006?

I thought 1986!

yes, I am old.


i was there when they interviewed operator please! not sure if i made it on air tho coz on my butt ugly face :(