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List your Camera, Programs and lenses

Poll: whats your brand
Total Votes: 72
Lieca - i will rob your ass if you have one

what lenses cameras and programs do you guys use and also what would you like to use splash out and have a ponder about your dream equipment.

also maybe use the same layout im using could be heaps easier to scroll though and see what all you crew have

camera -

Canon 400D

lense’s -

50mm 1.8
75-300mm 4.5
18-55mm 3.5
35-75mm 4.5

programs -

Lightroom 2
Photoshop cs2

filters -



I just have an oldish olympus. Not anything special gets the job done for what I want. I do have photoshop cs2 for messing around though.


camera -

Canon 450D

lenses -

50mm 1.8
55-250mm IS
18-55mm IS

programs -

Photoshop cs2

filters -




It’s just a little ‘ol thing.


Canon EOS 400D

50mm 1.8
Tokina 12-24 f/4
EF-S 18-55
EF-S 55-250
EF 70-200 f/4L

I edit RAW’s in Canon DPP.

Then do further editing in Photoshop CS4.

I’m looking to upgrade to a 50D kind of soon. And replace the 18-55 with a Tamron 24-70 f/2.8.

Also looking at a 100-400 for sports, surfing, airshows etc.


camera -

Nikon D2X

lenses -

All Nikon
50mm 1.8
12-24mm 3.5
24-85mm 3.5
70-200mm 2.8

really want to get my hands on the new 24-70mm 2.8

programs -

Photoshop CS4

and a Panasonic FT1 for a bit of fun.


Canon Rebel XTI

18-55 kit lens

Macro / Wide angle attachment for 18-55
Canon speedlite 430 ex II (Just got it woooo)
a mess of filters laying around

On my mac I am using CS4 design suite
and on my laptop I just have photoshop cs3

darb - 05 August 2009 01:02 AM

Canon Rebel XTI

18-55 kit lens

Macro / Wide angle attachment for 18-55
Canon speedlite 430 ex II (Just got it woooo)
a mess of filters laying around

On my mac I am using CS4 design suite
and on my laptop I just have photoshop cs3

hey bro if your shooting skating you will want a super fast lense try the 50mm 1.8 its only like 120$ and like 90$ brand new on ebay

such a good lense i have the same stuff you have and i have never used the 18-55 since


Great advice I am hoping to pick up some new glass soon, but opted for the flash first.  What brand are you using?  I barely use my 18-55 either unless Im doing low light with my tripod or macro with the attachment I have. (but thats not to often)


Canon EOS Rebel xti

The 18-55 mm stock lens, which is absolute crap, lousy quality lens.

Now I want someone to recommend the one lens quiver. I used to have this 24-105 mm zoom which suited me just fine, before someone ripped off my camera.

I shoot mostly landscape and buildings.

And I’m a fan of panorama shots that can be stitched together with minimal distortion. I like this guy’s photos: colin prior


still cameras:
Fuji S2 - tamron 18-250 DiII
Nikon F90 - Tamron 28-200 (lens broken now)
nikon 50 mm lens

polarising filter, uv filter

Point and Shoot:
Ricoh R7

photoshop elements on mac
photoshop cs2 on pc

Video Cameras:
panasonic NvGS50
panasonic NvGS250 3ccd
Vio POV 1.5 (thanks spaz)

Final Cut express on mac
premier pro in pc


Glad you posted before me banger, it will help with how cam crazy I look.

box brownie (kodak bakerlite) 1930’s
canon A1 1977 (the year starwars came out) first camera with digital metering
Nikon SLR 1991

Nikon D70 5MP old DSLR I think 2002
Olympus 850sw
Olympus 1050SW

55-200 slide zoom
sigma 600mm analog mirror macro lens 1:8 (on digi body +1200mm)

Canon XL1s
Canon XHA1
more than a few VIO POV.1.5 wink
RageCam bullet camera 580 horiz line

2x speedlight
multiple flash rig I’ve never used
video light (gets used often as our household torch)

all sorts of lens filters

I left out a fair bit, eg: the cheap and nasty

Photoshop elements 6 (mac)
Final Cut Studio
Mpeg streamclip


Im no camera guru but i have a digital Canon with 10mp and 3.3 optical zoom.
Thats all i can gather.
At least you wont be robbing my ass raspberry

golfpunklegend - 17 August 2009 11:43 AM

Im no camera guru but i have a digital Canon with 10mp and 3.3 optical zoom.
Thats all i can gather.
At least you wont be robbing my ass raspberry

bahaha I very much like this raspberry

I have a very old 4mp canon with 4x optical zoom…that the backup battery fell out of somehow so now it asks for the time and date every time you turn it on…

but I did download a trial of photoshop elements last month raspberry

I think I am getting a new camera before I go overseas though…again a point & shoot, but really I’m not going to be setting the world on fire with photography, so I can’t really see myself needing anything else…

as far as point and shoots go, however, does anyone have any recommendations as far as value for money/not gonna freeze up in the snow kind of buys?


unlucky bangabain.
whats a point and shoot?


haha exactly like it sounds gpl, you point it at something, click, and the photo is taken - digital camera, auto-focus, auto flash etc…I mean you can muck about with the settings, but not like a massive zoom lens or anything…basically what you have as a camera smile