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Tobi’s tip for the day…


When the new super excited wanting to impress everyone PA comes up to ask you when your birthday is so she can update the birthday calendar so that she can buy cake and send e-mails to everyone to let them know it’s your birthday and make the whole department stand around and awakrdly sing happy birthday to you and pretend to care that it’s your birthday…..

Respond with the date of Feb 29th, that way you only have to deal with the pain every 4 years.



Hahaha good one! or you could choose a public holiday like Australia Day…

Tobi - 06 July 2009 11:51 PM

When the new super excited wanting to impress everyone PA comes up to ask you when your birthday is so she can update the birthday calendar so that she can buy cake and send e-mails to everyone to let them know it’s your birthday and make the whole department stand around and awakrdly sing happy birthday to you and pretend to care that it’s your birthday…..

Respond with the date of Feb 29th, that way you only have to deal with the pain every 4 years.


but you get cake!


makes anything tolerable


Tobi doesn’t eat cake.


is that the tip of the day?


Farmers Union Iced Coffee and party pies don’t mix well.

Tobi - 06 July 2009 11:51 PM

When the new super excited wanting to impress everyone PA ......


I think the most important question to consider is .................

So is the PA hot? smile

kort - 23 July 2009 06:56 AM
Tobi - 06 July 2009 11:51 PM

When the new super excited wanting to impress everyone PA ......


I think the most important question to consider is .................

So is the PA hot? smile

Right on brother cheese


Err no she isn’t.

Sorry to ruin your dreams but no.


Tell your pa you prefer pie instead of cake then when she brings it to you make a scene saying your allergic and ask if she is trying to kill you.  She may forget your bday next year.


When your boss starts complaining about all the boxes around your desk.




Haha that looks like fun!


AAAAAHAHHAHAHA I love building forts, snow forts, box forts, cusion forts.  Now you need to build a paper clip bow and arrow set and ambush your boss. lol


Tobi - Look out for that shark!

darb - 27 July 2009 11:23 PM

Now you need to build a paper clip bow and arrow set and ambush your boss. lol

This deserved repeating hahaha.