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Welcome to Boardworld - Introduce Yourself Here

Mizu Kuma - 11 April 2011 03:56 AM

You sure that you aren’t a Pollie TJ????

That was one hell of a Backflip!!!!! I’ll expect to see that move from you at the Shred!!!!!  tongue wink

Only time I do backflips is when I’m smashing and falling down hills lol.

Mash12 - 11 April 2011 12:27 AM

Hey guys, I’m so excited to find this site!

Welcome!!  shaka

Warren Chapstick - 10 April 2011 10:19 AM
Mizu Kuma - 10 April 2011 09:51 AM
Warren Chapstick - 10 April 2011 09:38 AM

he is the same at work

Has to do every job twice????  oh oh

yer mizu it must be a saucehead thing

I only have to do it twice because warren sticks his nose in and stuffs it all up!!  mad

Mizu Kuma - 11 April 2011 06:33 AM
fast eddie - 11 April 2011 06:31 AM
Warren Chapstick - 10 April 2011 10:19 AM
Mizu Kuma - 10 April 2011 09:51 AM
Warren Chapstick - 10 April 2011 09:38 AM

he is the same at work

Has to do every job twice????  oh oh

yer mizu it must be a saucehead thing

I only have to do it twice because warren sticks his nose in and stuffs it all up!!  mad

That would be a BIG stuff up too!!!!!  smirk

You know him so you know how I feel!!


Hahahahahaha funny



I’m new around here!!!!! (< is it OK to use this many exclamation marks on here????? < and/or question marks also!!!!!)

It seems like I have been a part of this site forever, so I thought that I would join in the fun by signin up!!!!! (< is it alright if I drop my g’s????)

It looks like that there are some pretty strict moderators/admin crew on here also!!!! I’ve seen some people come and go since I’ve been watchin this site!!!!!

Oh well, this bein my very first post I get the feelin that I will be postin a few more in the future!!!!! How do some of you guys get so many????

Mizu Kuma - 18 April 2011 08:11 AM


I’m new around here!!!!! (< is it OK to use this many exclamation marks on here????? < and/or question marks also!!!!!)

It seems like I have been a part of this site forever, so I thought that I would join in the fun by signin up!!!!! (< is it alright if I drop my g’s????)

It looks like that there are some pretty strict moderators/admin crew on here also!!!! I’ve seen some people come and go since I’ve been watchin this site!!!!!

Oh well, this bein my very first post I get the feelin that I will be postin a few more in the future!!!!! How do some of you guys get so many????

does this mean when u get back to 100 u get another free shirt lol


and he returns….. time to shine


Welcome back Mizu, the place wasn’t the same with out you rolleyes


told you one day i’ll get in front of Mizu in posts


Good to see you back mate! Rough what happened to you.

I bet you’ll never try and exceed Rider’s post count again smirk


Welcome back mate. To bad bout what happened! You’ll be back up top soon in no time


Hahaha… The new and improved Mizu! Welcome back! wink


Improved ?? C’mon Billy it’ll never happen haha


Yeah Billy!!!!! Don’t ya know that ya can’t Improve on Perfection!!!!!!