The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive





Monday, April 18th, 2011.

At approximately 2:20am (AEST), a member known to the community as ‘Mizu Kuma’ was permanently deleted from the database. Boardworld has explored all possible options in the hope of restoring the user’s account. Unfortunately nothing could be done and ‘The Incident’ will forever be a dark day in our history. April 18th will from now on be known as ‘Mizu Kuma Day’. Not only did we lose Mizu Kuma’s account, but more than 10,000 posts have been wiped from the forums including many popular threads.

We have completed a thorough investigation and we have found the culprit. At this point in time his motives are unclear but he is co-operating with authorities. His colleagues suspect ‘post count jealousy’ may have been a factor. The former administrator has been sent on an un-paid vacation - not that he did much work around here anyway. We hope to one day rehabilitate the former admin and bring him back to Boardworld.

We will be helping Mizu Kuma make an easy transition back into the Boardworld Community and we trust he will have the support from his fellow members.

Boardworld apologises to all those who have been affected by ‘The Incident’. 

Yours Sincerely,

Box Head and the Boardworld Team.



Has anyone spoke to Mizu?


Yeah we bumped a few emails back and forth today. He’s taking it pretty well, he had a laugh about it. I think I was more upset than he was. Maybe he thinks it will be a challenge? I can’t wait to see him back on here!

rider26 - 18 April 2011 02:11 AM

Yeah we bumped a few emails back and forth today. He’s taking it pretty well, he had a laugh about it. I think I was more upset than he was. Maybe he thinks it will be a challenge? I can’t wait to see him back on here!

What the hell are you doing back at work?  angry


perhaps a memorial logo/picture can be placed on the boarworld hoodies as a mark of respect? lol

Box Head - 18 April 2011 02:12 AM
rider26 - 18 April 2011 02:11 AM

Yeah we bumped a few emails back and forth today. He’s taking it pretty well, he had a laugh about it. I think I was more upset than he was. Maybe he thinks it will be a challenge? I can’t wait to see him back on here!

What the hell are you doing back at work?  angry

The cops let me keep my iPhone and there’s a strong WiFi signal in the station.



rider26 - 18 April 2011 02:13 AM
Box Head - 18 April 2011 02:12 AM
rider26 - 18 April 2011 02:11 AM

Yeah we bumped a few emails back and forth today. He’s taking it pretty well, he had a laugh about it. I think I was more upset than he was. Maybe he thinks it will be a challenge? I can’t wait to see him back on here!

What the hell are you doing back at work?  angry

The cops let me keep my iPhone and there’s a strong WiFi signal in the station.

Back at work…. Cops…. Limited internet access….
Do I sense a confession from the guilty party???


Me and fast eddie might have to pop around and see him, and see how he’s goin and all…... I feel even more sorry for Misses Mizu i hope he’s not taking it out on her like a bear with a sore head lol




cant believe this happened 2 mizu!!! im sure he will b back on top in a week anyway


week!!! more like 5hrs

fast eddie - 18 April 2011 08:39 AM

week!!! more like 5hrs

i reckon he will take leave from work 2 get his posts back up


I remember seeing the spam thread that Mizu posted in…

Poor guy…


Yeh me too. I deleted one of them and thought it was me!