The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Boardworld hits first milestones


Both actually happened on the same day…

We reached 1,000,000 page hits and 1,000 registered members yesterday (Thursday) after less than 4 weeks since launching.

Just wanted to thank everyone in the community and anyone who has helped us along the way. There are many good things to come for Boardworld and we are stoked about the positive direction we are heading in…

Thank you for the support.

Now go snowboarding!  grin


Wow this is great!
thanks for sharing, I always like to know info like this when I’m into something.
I’m Glad to be a part of it all!
It is exciting and I look forward to watching BW grow - I wish you the best and I’m here to do what I can.
Because if I cant be on the snow, I like to participate somehow.


Thats epic man.. Super stoked for ya huh! Only more growing and good things to come.. Im really psyched for the surf and skate parts!! Yeeeew!


Sick man, It is awsome to be a part of such a great community base site.  Things have only begun and the prevebial snow ball has only started to roll….Its gunna get freakin huge.  Keep up the good work, I am stoked to see just how far you can take it.

Cheers mate