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Poll: Do you enjoy April Fools day?
Total Votes: 17
Yes, I love fooling people
No, I am easily fooled
I may have been fooled by content on Boardworld today
I prefer not answer on the grounds I may look a fool



Oh Azz! i thought i was doing the fooling today! You BASTARD! hahahahaha i put the dates in my phone and all


That’s not fair, it’s still March 31 here. Poor form!  tongue wink


I got my mate good today.
I am playing guitar at his dads wedding tomorrow. 2 yrs ago when i was sposed to play guitar at another mates wedding, i broke my colar bone 2weeks before mountain biking.
So my facebook status read today: “that would be right! This time when im sposed to play guitar at another wedding i break my wrist instead of my colarbone!
” saying i broke it this morning in a mtb class with kids
An hour later i get a phone call from him. He cottoned on to the fools joke, but when he first read it he was very worried!

He is now going to use my status to give his dads fiance a heart attack LOL


I saw that one K2, loving your work !!!!

Did you guys see my FB status? Fooled heaps of folks.


Yeh first thing i thought when i saw that one Azz was BS! haha

Edit: and it took 17 comments for someone to click hahaha


i didnt see it.. dont have ya lol


Oh no!!!!! Hahahahahaha…. man, I was getting all excited!!!!

Can we still have Shred 2.0?  tongue wink



I hate 1/4/## - so easily fooled;

Last year my daughter rang me, while she travelled in a separate car, heading from Thredbo to Sydney. Just past Golbourn “dad, I forgot ______ and we are stopping in Golbourn , can you go back to Thredbo and get it for me?” I was looking for the next turning bay on the freeway when I saw them parked on the side of the road!!!!!

This morning she rang at 7:30 “I’ve got Xcountry on today dad, can you come and watch?” I was hesitant but went down anyway - she did have Xcountry on (had my surfboard just incase) it wasn’t a prank thankfully.

^Prank Patrol is one of her favourite shows on ABC3.

Azz, you got me smirk


Oh yeah, I rock at April Fools Day !!!!!!!

Yeeeewwwwwwwww for Azz


Check this one out…


^So obvious !!!!


Burton’s April Fools joke… their new feature film, The U.


Hahaha, even Burton are in on it LOL


hahaha it is the best day of the year!!!! everyone either gets done or gets someone LOL


this is what i wanted to do:
put a for sale sign on my moms car and say call her numba for $50 but i thought i shouldnt so maybe one of u guys can smile