The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive




thanks heaps


The new graphics look sick!

That means good.


Hey CK, just in case you missed my post. So I checked with Comor at Whistler for a Bataleon demo board and they said they don’t have it. Do you know if Bataleon will be doing any demos up in Whistler soon?


Hey CK I am sure the Bataleon boards are going to work sick. Just wondering if someone is really keen on a Bataleon and can’t get to a retail stockist, is another store able to order one in? Some enquires do come through for that sometimes.


checked out the airobic and evil twin at ESS today and cant decide which one i want! definently gonna buy one or the other


went back today and got the airobic 151 raspberry


Nice one ctp, enjoy your new ride!  cool grin


Hey guys.

Sorry Im pretty slow at checking where things are up to over here.

Skip… sorry man, I’m not sure whats up with Comor… best off asking Canadian or head office about Demo’s. email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) those boys will sort you right out!

CJ - thats a pretty interesting question. Too be honest that’s a case-by-case basis. We have to support our current retail partners. But we are also interested in supporting future retail partners. any shop staff who finds themselves with a Bataleon frother and no Bataleon’s to deliver is best to get in contact with me directly.

Cabletieperformance has the dopest setup around! Wait until you ride that board dude. it will blow your freakin mind!


Yeah 4 it!

I’ve been riding an 08/09 Airobic 151 and it has given me a lot of confidence in the park. I’ve found it was also very good in building my ankle strength as I have to angulate a lot more than a regular board to get better edge hold especially in Aussie conditions. I have a question though, my board is due for a base grind, as the edges are raised, will any regular grind machine be able to do this or will it wreck the TBT? Am I better off taking a bastard file to the edges myself?


Look at Bataleon’s youtube channel. They give you an instruction on how to base grind the board.


Hey guys.

sorry for posting here late as usual.

With tuning of TBT boards I have found the best thing is to find someone who is experienced with them, or just experienced at manual grinding on a wheel.

Manual grinding works way better than the TBT getting forced through rollers. In saying that, if you send your board through one of these ‘robot’ tuners, the TBT will still work fine! It will lose some of its definite appearance (the transition from flat base to risen base is not as obvious) but rides exactly the same.

The Bataleon rep for NZ, Matt, has a crazy technical theory about edges on TBT boards. He gets some amazingly gifted board tuner to created different angled bevels on his edges depending on which part of the board you’re at. Pretty high tech if you ask me!

Hope this helps, and as Skip said… check the youtube vids!



stoked with the board! i will write a review on it soon…


Bataleon just released this maintenance video on their Vimeo channel.