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The School Newsletter


Hey, we just received the latest edition of the kids school newsletter yesterday.
The Principal’s report, I found somewhat interesting, maybe even a little disturbing.
I think I understand where he is coming from (well I know exactly where)

Before I show you the report, I’ll show what the first page of the reports that students at this guys school looks like…......

Take note of the A, B, C, D & E gradings and the standards they represent.

Now read the report by this schools esteemed leader.

I would like to make special mention to his sources, one being from 1993 and 1996, some 18 and 15 years old.

From our quick google, the current way of reporting started in 2008 (correct me if I am wrong please K2)

Anyway, do you think this guy is way off the mark between his comments and what the school he runs grades students on?

Deciding if making an appointment to see this guy and find out if C means your working at your level or it indicates your a lazy, good for nothing, who is wasting their own and everybody’s else time.


and just to top it off, the schools web page is unavailable, so I can’t even get this guys email address rolleyes


Geez he is contradicting himself a bit there…. The new reporting system did come out a few years ago (I thought it was around 06/07?) Anyhoo - the way it works is that chn have to be 1.5 yrs ahead in progression points to achieve an A (say mid grade 5 working at a Year 7 level!) Different for independent schools, they have their own reporting system. He seems a bit off the mark! Saying that, I think C as at standard level is not a good thing, it makes parents believe their child is not achieving… Has a stigma about it!
(if this doesn’t make sense I’m sorry - typing on my iPhone!)


Makes sense to me, thanks Billy. Its a public school.

Glad that we are not barking up the wrong tree here!!!!

We did a bit of research into this guy, he seems to have been through lots of jobs, public and private. I give him a year, two tops until the school council make sure he goes.

I think he should of been in the military.


I think the way he’s talking about the A and C student isn’t connecting it to the report, but…... Bit of a contradiction!


Hahaha he does sound a bit like that!! Boot camp!!


You should hear the BS he is getting into with the uniform…............... thats a whole another rant mad


Haha… Feel free to let off steam here!  vampire


OK, so last year when #1 finished year 10, she was prohibited to get any items of school uniformed signed by friends. (senior campus is uniform free)

The ‘softener’ was if you donated all of your uniforms to the school for less privileged students to have, you would get the last week of school as ‘out of uniform’

So the new Principal rocks up, he is saying that next year, seniors will have uniform like junior campus. I can tell you, after we donated about $300 worth of uniform to the school, he has another thing coming angry

They better make their minds up soon, #2 is heading to senior next year…...............

Pretty impressed that this guy has peed me off so much before the end of term one and before I have even met him in person!!!!!!


Geez!! Well if they reintroduced the uniform, they’d have to bear the cost!!!! Can’t the school just start it from next year, so the new year 11’s hold onto their uniforms?!

So this principal is new this year? Sheesh, he’s doing well! Sir yes sir!


^^ so yr 12’s are still uniform free in 2012?


Yeah, thats what happen, otherwise there will be a good old fashioned stoning cool smirk