The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive




Not sure if this correct place to post but has anybody had any riding time on any of these guys boards? Particularly the 2011 evil twin (not classic or artist) and any more park orientated.

I have read a few opinions on them and from what i have looked at so far seems they are pretty awesome. The only thing is nobody has mentioned what they are like in powder and if they still float a bit or tend to sink.

Any feedback would be great


Hey man, how’s things?

Thanks for being super-up-to-date and checking out Bataleon’s TBT.

So I have only ridden the ET, Airobic, Funkink, and Goliath over long periods of time, however these are all the ‘staples’ of the range. In fact I spent the whole of winter 2010 on the board you asked about; 2011 ET.

In terms of all the claimed benefits of TBT, they are all true, and you may think I have to say that, but I dont! If a board isn’t living up to the marketing hype I’ll tell it like it is, but fact is TBT helps all aspects of snowboarding, its just some of our boards do different things better!

The ET is certainly our most all-round freestyle board and is super versatile when used in your correct size.

Now, specifically addressing performance in powder…. this is by far the most underrated benefit of TBT!!!!!!!!! The 3 stage base shape seriously creates the same effect as a boat hull, and lifts you right up above the pow. Personally the first Bataleon I rode was a 57 Goliath in Europe a few years back, I weigh almost 100Kg and am over 6ft, so a 57 shouldnt ride well in 2 foot of fresh. BUT IT DID!  and I had absolutely NO SETBACK! I effectively rode a freestyle twin at the lower end of my size scale for days on end in fresh snow and had ZERO problems and no leg burn, and I floated through everything. EPIC!

The ET is my most requested board from my riders, and also shops and customers.

The most important part in all of this is; if you don’t believe me, then try it for yourself! The northern hemisphere has heaps of demo centres if you’re O/S right now, if not, the Bataleon website will be updated in time for winter 2011 to have all Aussie demo centres. So you can feel TBT for yourself.

Thanks again, and if anyone has further Q’s shoot them through.



Where can you demo Bataleon in Whistler or Vancouver?


Thanks for the reply im pretty keen to demo some so hopefully there will be a demo day in perisher or thredbo.


Hey Skip - Head into Comor in Whistler, or Pacific boarder or Coastal Riders in Vancouver and hit them up for a demo board. There’s no upcoming demo’s in Canada, but there’s one in Baker tomorrow! Most Canadian stockists will have a board to send you out with.

And Cabletieperformance - Even if there doesn’t end up being a demo at Perisher or Thredbo, you can go to any of our stockists and take a demo board for the whole day. It’s way easier to put TBT through a full test.



Do you have a list of Australian retailers?


Hey CK - Bataleons look rad.  Just curious how they go 50-50ing thin rails and also nose/tail presses? Also - when will we see Lobster in oz?


yeh good question ^ is there a batch of Lobster boards coming to Australia as iI have heard they are doing a limited run and even NoHe will be getting only a few. Also what type of boards will they be? More jib/park? Or just same models as Bataleon with the lobster print on them?


Hey sorry for the late reply on this one guys.

Cabletie, search BataleonAus on facebook, and become friends with us… there should be a dealer list on there. If not, check the Bataleon site in the next couple of weeks, we will be refreshing our dealer lists real soon.

Lobster: Lobster is a separate company from Bataleon (so I dont know much!). Lobster is DEFINITELY different to Bataleon, although they may look the same (TBT and the Bataleon shape are tested and proven, so they are using what we know works!). Lobster is definitely going to start low key and limited, so we may just have to wait and see! My forecast is we may see some limited numbers in time for our spring park season! FUN! And seriously, how much more Jib/park do you want than Bataleons Disaster or Airobic? I guess we may see some softer models out of the Helgasons though.

Oh Trav, as for rails/nose press/tail press… 100% perfect. the flat section of the triple base is w——i——-d——-e… even on the freeride models, so theres TONNES of stability on that flat portion of the base. The ultra wide mod’s like the Airobic, and new Disaster are so stable and wide, but still provide the TBT advantage.

Keep shootin the questions if ya got em!
And check this link:


Hey CK, I asked Comor in Whistler and they said they don’t do any demos for Bataleon =(


InSki in York Street, Sydney sells them.

I just ordered an Evil Twin for $499 and a Distortia for my girl for $499. My friend has huge feet so he picked up a Goliath Wide 161 for $549. The boards are being shipped from their Japan shop atm but I’m not riding until next year anyway so I can wait.

We tried the boards in Niseko this year and loved them but they we’re soooo expensive in Japan! The guy at InSki (think his name was Dan ? - knows his stuff) said he likes them so much that he owns two different models.

...and to think I was just about to order a Burton Blunt from the states for $499 plus shipping!!! Now I’ve got a much better board for way cheaper.

TBT rocks!


are we getting the 2011 borads this season or 2012?

cabletieperformance - 28 March 2011 08:19 AM

are we getting the 2011 borads this season or 2012?

Should be 2012.


Thanks Water Bear, have been reading the forum for a while but had to sign up, chime in and put in a good word for Bataleon.


Just confirming, all boards will be 11/12

They arrived in the country this week, and should be at your favourite retailer this weekend.

Yeah for it!


While I’m at it here’s the current dealer list (We will be adding a couple more this week)


ESS Parramatta
Balmoral Boards (Narrabeen)
Switch Boardstore Newcastle
T2R Jindy


Trigger Bros!