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Should Just Giver be more active on the forums?

Poll: Should Michelle be on the forums more?
Total Votes: 20
She’s on the ’team’ - she should be on here every day!
I don’t care
Doesn’t she also ski?
Who is Michelle?

Just putting this out there to gauge public opinion…


I entered ‘yes’, but I was so tempted by ‘doesn’t she also ski?’ wink


Yes, JG should be here everyday without failure !!!!


I voted yes smile

Mizu Kuma - 26 March 2011 11:33 PM

I WONDER who voted NO???? You would at least think that they would post a comment as to why!!!!!  wink

theres your answer haha


She may be “working on the Girls only section” wink


But would be good to see Just Giver, and the rest of the Girls team, on here more smile


I voted that she should be on here everyday!!!! just like Mizu lol


Im a girl on here all the time!!! But it would be nice to have some more girls mixing it in!


^ you’ve got Mizu at least!!!  cheese


I think she represents… probably reads half the stuff over Jeremy’s shoulder or at least ambles over when she hears him laughing.

I know she must be lurking in the shadows.
Don’t listen to them Just Giver.

Come on BWM just give her a break. As long as she keeps the boss happy…..


Yea, Michelle.. be honest - are we really that boring?? lol


I’m just being mean. Michelle does so much for Boardworld behind the scenes. spaz is right, she sees almost everything that goes on here and she has to live with Boardworld 24/7 (sometimes I drive her just a little bit crazy haha). Honestly, she’s such an important part of the team, I would be completely lost without her help and support behind the scenes.

That said, I would like to see her on here more often because she’s so much fun. Yeah, I started this thread out of love…  smirk (I’m going to go along with that explanation for a while).

Hahahaha LOL


I do what I can!

Talking on forums is not something I keep high on my list of things to do smile

Spaz you are very right, Jeremy relays messages to me when he’s on the site, I just forget to post or can’t be bothered opening up my computer.

Plus you guys seem to be doing alright without me.

I’m looking forward to meeting most of you at the shred later this year, I’ve really enjoyed meeting everyone in Whistler.

Just Giver - 28 March 2011 02:50 AM

I’m looking forward to meeting most of you at the shred later this year, I’ve really enjoyed meeting everyone in Whistler.

Im so pumped to meet everyone as well!! gonna be so sweet smile


Haha good pick up mizu