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Stuff you find


What sort of freebies have you come across?

Yesterday I noticed 2 bucket seats at the end of the street in a council pick up. Not that I need them, my car is sporting a set of WRX buckets.

Today I stopped anyway, they were in good enough condition so I threw them in the back of the wagon. Then I noticed a sub woofer box in amongst it - grabbed that too.

It spurred me into actually cleaning out my car (a month or 2 overdue). That process got me busy;
-I pulled out the busted 10” woofer from the box and ditched my half built box in the car. My speaker now has a real box to beat from.
-Secured the 2 rear speaker mounts so they no longer rattle.
-Realised one of the bucket seats I brought home will mount nicely in the back of the wagon.
-Reset the bed support.
-And fixed the busted tweeter.

Now all 7 speakers are putting out nice, crisp and beaty noise - and the wagon is now a three seater. I can turn the sub amp to max without distortion and the stereo is clear at a much lower volume. It even drowns out the engine noise at 75% instead of 98%.

With the engine switched off it rattles the chrome door trim.


goood stuff =D


We are building a Chook pen, I needed a door. Called in at the dump, having a look through the ‘good’ stuff set aside for sale, no luck.

Ask the lady running the show and she sends us down to the recycled metal pile.

Right on top, front and centre, a security door, perfect condition. Even the flywire has no holes grin

When I asked how much…. FREE !!!!!! shaka




Was cleaning up under a stage after some bands at a place in Sweden, we found all sorts of crap and one of the things was a really dirty jacket that everyone ignored and was going to through out…..I chucked it in the wash, and it turned out it was brand new just collected rubbish from the gig and being trampled on, and the best thing was it was the EXACT same model and brand as my pants that i had and it was my size….was pretty stoked!

that hotel i worked in had 300m rooms and could sleep 1000 people, every time people left things behind it was dated and put in the cellar , we decided after two months no one would come back so as soon as two mths was up we took whatever it was

I got beanies,jackets,gloves, brand new snow pants, phone chargers, books , sleds…basically anything you can think off that had been put down there in the 5 or so years before! Ive thought aboutworking there again just to get access! hahah


I saw a bunch of kids DVD’s in a council cleanup the other day but all the DVD’s had been taken out and they were just cases. A collection of say 30 DVD’s would have netted me at least $50 on ebay so I was unhappy that they weren’t there lol.

A better one, my old house mate went to the city on a Thursday night with our friends. I was too busy didn’t make it. On the way home to St Leonards, he needed to use the bathroom so got off a few stops early. On the walk home while absolutely pissed, he picked up a laptop and power supply from a council cleanup. When he got home he was telling me about it while falling over etc could barely stand up.

2 weeks later, he had reformatted it and put it on ebay. $220 inc postage. Best pickup I’ve ever seen.

CRACKERS - 24 March 2011 11:47 PM

Was cleaning up under a stage after some bands at a place in Sweden, we found all sorts of crap and one of the things was a really dirty jacket that everyone ignored and was going to through out…..I chucked it in the wash, and it turned out it was brand new just collected rubbish from the gig and being trampled on, and the best thing was it was the EXACT same model and brand as my pants that i had and it was my size….was pretty stoked!

that hotel i worked in had 300m rooms and could sleep 1000 people, every time people left things behind it was dated and put in the cellar , we decided after two months no one would come back so as soon as two mths was up we took whatever it was

I got beanies,jackets,gloves, brand new snow pants, phone chargers, books , sleds…basically anything you can think off that had been put down there in the 5 or so years before! Ive thought aboutworking there again just to get access! hahah

aahhh . . I miss lost and thank you smile