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Which way is the ballerina spinning?


Help me solve an argument…

To me it looks like she is standing on her right leg and spinning to the left.

The truthful answer is it’s an optical illusion and it can be seen either way, but which way do you see it?

Michelle doesn’t believe me that it’s an optical illusion and there is no right answer.


After staring at the ballerina for a while I did realise that if I stare at the foot shadow for long enough I can change the direction she spins.

It is an illusion. I use my right brain which is the right side of the brain to use.  tongue wink


Mizu, you’re a tripper! You think she actually changes direction? tongue wink

It’s the same sequence over and over. Some people see her spinning one way, some people see her spinning the other way. There is no right answer as your brain can interprete it either way.

Mizu Kuma - 20 March 2011 04:54 AM

What colour is the moving dot??? Green or Lavender???

The ‘dot’ actually doesn’t exist, but it can be seen as green due to the grey background and lavender dots surrounding it.


All this stuff makes me miss the Magic Eye books I used to have. They were cool…


Are the horizontal lines parallel or crooked?

Mizu Kuma - 20 March 2011 05:06 AM

Say aloud the ink color of each word. How quickly can you do it? Did you slow down?

We just did that one. smile


Stare at the dot. Do you see the grey shadow disappear?


To be honest ours was smaller. Went OK, last line slowed me a bit.

Michelle’s brain is sore, we’re going to bed.  LOL


Jeremy I was seeing the ballerina spinning on her right leg

Mizu Kuma - 20 March 2011 05:30 AM
rider26 - 20 March 2011 05:20 AM

To be honest ours was smaller. Went OK, last line slowed me a bit.

Michelle’s brain is sore, we’re going to bed.  LOL

Jeremy to Michelle - “You’ll see much more clearly in the morning”!!!!



From here:

The whole test is more of an optical illusion than anything else, according to Steven Novella, an academic clinical neurologist at Yale University School of Medicine who blogs on NeuroLogica. When our brains process visual images to make some order or sense of the world, they have to make assumptions. The dancer is just a two dimensional image switching back and forth, but our brains process it as a three dimensional spinning object.

rider26 - 20 March 2011 04:26 AM

Help me solve an argument…

To me it looks like she is standing on her right leg and spinning to the left.

The truthful answer is it’s an optical illusion and it can be seen either way, but which way do you see it?

Michelle doesn’t believe me that it’s an optical illusion and there is no right answer.

Like Mizu I was seeing it one way, then when I looked away and back again it started spinning the opposite direction. Usually I see it spinning clockwise.

Edit: now it keeps spinning anti clockwise hahaha


I dont know…i just kept looking at her nipples LOL


I can see it both ways now!


I’m with K2, I was distracted by the boobs!!!!

I can see it either way and if I want I can get her to swing from left to right.
I need to look at the shadow, then move my concentration to the body and back to do it.