The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


What do you think of this website design?


Hey guys,

Don’t pay any attention to the links or content or even the gaps around the page. The design is just a concept someone sent me, so I just want to see what you guys think?

I’ll keep my opinions to myself till more members reply.

As we further refine the website and improve the design/graphics, do you think we should move more towards a completely different design or stick with the current layout, just with more sophisticated graphics/buttons/background etc.

No hurt feelings here, please be brutally honest. This is our website and I value your opinion greatly.

Thank you!  cool smile


I like both question


Not that great a difference to the current layout.

As a front page or home page for “snowboard news” I don’t think we should have to scroll for content - it should just be there, with all the options/links/buttons available to be seen.

I like the “first” “last” buttons under the “photo’s of the week” so they can be viewed like a slide show at our command. Instead of having a few photo’s on one page to scroll through. Same could be done for video, articles…

When I designed an “on the next page” space (not BW); it took on many concepts before I scraped the idea - I tried “have you checked out____” and “where to next” but eventually realised the page content itself was more important and that links from words of interest (like wiki or most government sites) would work more efficiently.

^saying that: I like how that space evens out the page - Maybe it could change the “news” page layout from photo’s to video or to articles or to links. That way the “Snowboard News” would have 4 sections - all with the same layout but the user has an option of the content to view be it photos or articles etc…

Rounded corners = friendly smile


It is a little to blue for me, needs a bit more yellows or orange to mellow it out.

The other problem with blues is that they play tricks on your eyes and make photos with white in them (snow) look very grey, so you lose the POP from snow pics.

But on the whole change thing, from a marketing perspective, if you regularly move things around, change the layout, while staying within a formula (which you already have) It will make people really look around the site, discover new things about it. It will keep the interest alive, rather than, “hey its the same as last time I was here”

Keep moving forward young man, you doing an excellent job. shaka


I like!!

I do agree with too much blue though, but it wouldn’t take much to tone that down.


I like it Rider….....


Cant say im much of a fan of that layout…. Looks a bit 1996. But hey thats just me smile