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Advice for a board in Japan

kort - 10 July 2009 02:57 AM
antt321 - 10 July 2009 01:42 AM
Enn Zed - 10 July 2009 01:21 AM
antt321 - 09 July 2009 09:29 AM

You should be sweet. Although I wouldn’t exactly know, as I have not been to Japan. But Im guessing you should be alright. I would wait untill someone posts that has been to Japan before you take an opinion.

Good luck and have fun over there!

Congratulations, this may be the most redundant post I’ve seen on this forum yet.

Woot! haha

I seriously have no idea when it comes to Japan.

Which does beg the question, why are you giving advice on riding in japan when you have never ridden there?

I didn’t, I gave my opinion. And I did state I didn’t know and he should wait for proper advice.

Just giving my 2c

Traverlater - 10 July 2009 06:11 AM

thanks very much everyone for your help, i think i may go for the 2 board option. I have a friend that has a 162 burton custom that i could probably borrow, how do you think that would go? I’d feel a bit silly taking 2 of the same boards over though. They malolo sounds like a good option too.. Also what are some of the reverse camber boards?

The Custom 162 will do the job no problem. The only draw back is the length. While the extra surface area will give you much needed float, the extra length makes for harder turning, especially in the trees etc…

That’s the good thing about boards with a good amount of taper. It’s the taper that gives you float, so you can ride them smaller than normal powder-sized boards. I can safely say a Fish 156 would give you just as much, if not more float than a Custom 162 (just to give you an example).

Lib Tech seems to be leading the way with reverse camber boards, although more brands are catching on now. I think one of the best all mountain snowboards with reverse camber is the Lib Tech Travis Rice pro model. I have tested a few Lib Tech boards and for all mountain versitility, the Travis Rice pro was the pick for me.

antt321 - 10 July 2009 06:29 AM
kort - 10 July 2009 02:57 AM

Which does beg the question, why are you giving advice on riding in japan when you have never ridden there?

I didn’t, I gave my opinion. And I did state I didn’t know and he should wait for proper advice.

Just giving my 2c

fair enough - after all, “Opinions are like ar$eholes - everyone has one” grin

kort - 10 July 2009 01:14 PM
antt321 - 10 July 2009 06:29 AM
kort - 10 July 2009 02:57 AM

Which does beg the question, why are you giving advice on riding in japan when you have never ridden there?

I didn’t, I gave my opinion. And I did state I didn’t know and he should wait for proper advice.

Just giving my 2c

fair enough - after all, “Opinions are like ar$eholes - everyone has one” grin

Haha true that.


Do all freeride boards have a tapered shape? Are there many lower coasting tapered boards because the fish seems to be very expensive. I may be able to get my hands on a 158 Palmer Crown, would that be ok for powder?
Thanks heaps.


I would say nearly all freeride specific boards have some amount of taper. The less taper, the less float it will give you, but easier to ride switch. The 2009 Fish retails for $759.

The Palmer Crown is an excellent freeride board and the 158 will serve you well in Japan. If you don’t want to buy a board this could be your best option.

If you need more float in deep pow, set your stance back 2 or more inches.


Sorry just one more question, if i were to get a reverse camber board what size should i look at getting?


It really depends which particular board you go for and exactly what you want to use it for…


for powder/all mountain


Without going too big, I would suggest something around the 157 mark, it would be a versitile size for freeriding and will handle deep pow ok. I wouldn’t go below 156 for powder / all moutain. You have the Custom 154 for everything else, so go 156+.


Yeah I have a GNU Street 152 and am also considering a mountain board, and am deffo looking at this seasons Custom unless there is something better at the same price point?

Thinking maybe around the 160 mark would be a good choice?


I was in Japan for a month in Feb and took my own board. Its a Arbor 155 and it was really hard to ride in the powder.
I wouldnt go any smaller than a 157 and set you bindings all the way back.