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Hey, I would like to have some way to record video either with a video camera on my helmet(that wont break if i fall off) or on the board its self.For when I am actually riding. Anyone got any ideas that would be under $50 (640x480 would be prob lowest useful resolution)
Thanks from Jeremy
Hey Jeremy,
Check out
spaz runs snocam, the HeadCam is super durable and records at DVD quality. I don’t think you can get any helmet cam for anywhere near $50. spaz does however rent his HeadCams out for the day.
You can view his HeadCam footage here:
Yea, you need to hook up with Spaz.
The only handy cam I would mount on my board would only be worth $50, but that’s the same as sticking a fifty dollar note on your board with chewing gum - it’s not likely to be there at the bottom!
Putting it on your head is going to damage your head/neck almost as badly as it will the camera. Again only use a camera worth $50 but have another $50 ready for the chiropractor.
You need a cam designed for this purpose, one with 640x480 @ 15fps (min) will cost almost 10 times the amount you want to spend. My cams are 720x480 @ 30fps.
I know have an hourly rate - $25
Boardworld members - $20