The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


where do you see yourself in 5 years??


I’ld be happy just to go for a surf with her in 2016 and be taking her to interschools in 2018 cheese


Trying to own my own house.


^ equals no funds for annual snow trips.

Unless your renting the property and living in squaller wink


NOTE: real estate advice is to be taken as spaztheory. No legal ramifications will be accepted smirk


hopefully on good $$$ and still traveling like its first time!!!


in 5 years ... id say a millionaire ... not from working hard of course, but by winning the lotto. then i would just travel the world doing a mix of shred trips and normal travel stuff .


You can come as my lovely assistant Mizu!

Because I’m sure Louise has thought long and hard about taking me along as videotographer.


You mean you’ve taken it off!!!!!!!??


Did you actually buy the dress Mizu? I hope you did!


Good on ya for donating.
Haha you probably made her day!! Did you tell her before hand?


Imagine if you got arrested. that would have made headlines!


Hopefully living in some huge house on the coast, paying Steve Jobs to do my laundry and owning a huge skatepark where everything’s adjustable and I can just keep switching everything over to make new lines. More realistically, I’ll try to have a motorbike by then and a steady job.