The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive




Man I hope you have thick skin Fatima. (I’m guessing you do as you know Mizu)

(again) I dislocated my knee and went riding the next weekend. 5 times dislocated shoulder - kept riding. Torn calf muscle-back on the hill in 5 days (I couldn’t walk but I could ride)

But really, you probably made a wise choice as it was in the final days and will heal quicker without use for a while.

On the protective wear note;
I bought R.E.D. soft spine with attached kidney belt, I wear the kidney belt almost all the time riding, the spine if I’m going extra hard and it goes down to my tail bone. I have padded shorts but never wear them. Silk boxers under boardshorts protect me from sitting in cold snow. I tried wrist guards but it’s impossible to handle a camera, I learned to fall with clenched fists (better a brocken knuckle than wrist) and find that gloves with a good wrist strap help support my wrists, but I usually wear light weight gloves or park gloves because of my job.


I got RED wrist guards and have to wear them over the top of my glove, wouldn’t fit under. They do get annoying when I wanna stop and use the iPhone cause you are constantly having to take em on and off. Or if you get lazy like me I use my nose tongue laugh LOL

But in the end, they are protecting my wrists. Too bad I bought them AFTER I broke my wrist LOL



When my iPhone isn’t connected to my helmet (to use the earphone control) I use my nose as well!!