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Random Injuries


Have you ever ended up with an injury from something simple? Small or big tell us about it!

I got this mad bruise from a bar stool, yes read that again, a bar stool! No I was drunk (it was Superbowl Monday) and it just so happened this dumb bar had dodgy stools with no seals on open metal legs!

It looks kind small in the photo but at full size it covered the whole back of my leg/knee!


That don’t look small!

I’m a spaz I get random injuries everyday. Today; A blister on the palm of my hand - from shovelling dirt and I was wearing gloves. I was also doing it in thongs (flip flops) and didn’t manage to hurt my feet or blow out a thong!


My last injury - put a steak knife straight through the palm of my hand trying to get the stone out of an avocado… 3 stitches later… Last time I make a salad for lunch!  grrr


Hahaha, sorry Billy, you idiot.

I need to show you how to get those buggers out without requiring stitches.  wink


I have random.

Pulled a muscle in my shoulder while halter training an Alpaca.

Right now I am glad Mizu is away, he would be all over this one.  blank stare


My elbow is super sore right now and i can feel heaps of little lumps along the bone…...On Sunday night after Good Vibes i thought it was a good idea to jump onto the back of a moving tram. I made an awesome dive and grabbed a handle on the back. All was good until the poster under my foot tore and i fell onto the path next to the tracks.

Billy - 15 February 2011 10:45 AM

My last injury - put a steak knife straight through the palm of my hand trying to get the stone out of an avocado… 3 stitches later… Last time I make a salad for lunch!  grrr

Damn sounds painful!! When it comes to cutting/stabbing oneself I managed to slice my finger open with a chisel in highschool! Should have relied on the bench vice to hold the wood and not my hand! It has been 10yrs and I still have the scar!

Azz - 15 February 2011 11:01 AM

Hahaha, sorry Billy, you idiot.

I need to show you how to get those buggers out without requiring stitches.  wink

Hahaha I know, whoops!  tongue rolleye Don’t worry, I’ve learnt now… Keep the knife horizontal, not vertical!  cool grin


Reminds me of the time I was opening a bag of frozen vegies, in front of my (then) 5yo daughter, and teaching her about not using teeth to open bags; I’d had glass of wine, held the bag in one hand, put a very sharp kitchen knife through the corner of the bag (the corner I was holding) and while slicing off the corner took a slice of skin clean off the tip of my finger.

She is such a cool kid, she immediately set out to find the tiny slice of skin and gave it back to me to reattach. Only the 2 of us were home at the time.
I didn’t put the skin back as it had been on the floor - the cut was so precise it may have reattached. We cleaned up and bandaged the finger, then finished dinner.

The knife was directed away from her and me BTW.


my back after paintball for my 21st birthday i reckon i had about 100 welts all over my body

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fatima, dude, that looks painful.

Let me guess, this was caused by all your “friends”?




fatima that’s brutal!!! I went to paintball for work once, go shot in the bare neck, was bleeding and all!!