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fatima broke his wrist while trying to hit the convert box and over shot it, not good…..

poor little fatima, get better soon were all thinkin of you in these hard times


Ohhhh noooo!  grrr

Sorry to hear it fatima, feel better buddy. Unfortunately injuries are a part of snowboarding, or any sport for that matter. I know it’s no consolation, but we’ve all been there and been out and injured at the snow. I spent six weeks in my first season out with a separated shoulder, during record snowfalls at Whistler. Then did the same thing to my other shoulder six months later during the middle of my season at Thredbo.  hmmm

All the best mate, heal up and get back out there! I hope Warren is helping you with everything you need. wink

And I’ve got to put it out there… I know a lot of people who have snowboarded in their cast with a broken wrist. What did the doc say?


yer i had to cut up his steak last nite everyone was looking at us lol


You’re a good wife…  LOL


I know the pain! The worst part when I did it was that it was early morning so I spent the whole day watching the other thousands of people enjoying the snow :’-(

Hope you mend soon fatima


It’s really only the pain killers that will keep you from boarding.

Last year I made many enquiries about skiing with a cast on. (my daughter fractured her wrist) the snow community all said it would be fine including the local doctor. The medical profession (who have never skied) said it was not recommended. One of them, when I questioned why, told me because she can’t hold the ski pole - kids don’t ski with poles!!


Since Mizu isn’t here;

Something must be said in reference to KFC, it’s cause or relief towards injury.


That sux Fatima !!!!!

Wrist shouldn’t be too painful, get out there, can’t break it if its already broke cheese

Oh, but there is the other one…...


Could get both wrists plastered and have two permanent wrist guards.

Or buy some wrist guards… wink


Was it the scaphoid? I’ve been with people when they test for that, apparently it hurts like buggery. It also takes forever to heal. If it was the radius or the ulna then it isn’t so bad in that it heals quicker and you can still use your hand to some extent.


But yes, wrist guards was the first investment i made (after, of course, board, boots, bindings and goggles). My next step will be some padded shorts methinks. Some of the guys I was riding with in July at Queenstown said that they made a huge difference when you go hucking yourself off something trying out a new move. I like my tail bone, and having landed on it before on concrete, I think it may be a prudent investment. Especially added to the whole fact that I like sitting down at teh end of the day too! raspberry


hey guys yes it does suck, everything has been made extra hard by having this cast on… i asked the doc if i could still go riding and i was given strict orders to not ride so i thought i would listen 2 the doc and hang up my boots until the season at home, had a wicked time riding up at lake louise, the boys i was with went to kicking horse 2day and warren said it was amazing there.. yea brandy its the scaphoid and yea with some movements it hurts like hell but a few beers cant fix… lol yea spaz when mizu gets home his gonna have a field day on this thread cant wait 4 that haha…. and i think purchasing a pair of wrist guards will be a good idea aswell… how they go fitting under gloves but??

fatima4u - 16 February 2011 02:41 AM

hey guys yes it does suck, everything has been made extra hard by having this cast on… i asked the doc if i could still go riding and i was given strict orders to not ride so i thought i would listen 2 the doc and hang up my boots until the season at home, had a wicked time riding up at lake louise, the boys i was with went to kicking horse 2day and warren said it was amazing there.. yea brandy its the scaphoid and yea with some movements it hurts like hell but a few beers cant fix… lol yea spaz when mizu gets home his gonna have a field day on this thread cant wait 4 that haha…. and i think purchasing a pair of wrist guards will be a good idea aswell… how they go fitting under gloves but??

Dakine and RED both make really good wrist guards designed to go under gloves. They are slimline and comfy. Approx $35.

fatima4u - 16 February 2011 02:41 AM

i asked the doc if i could still go riding and i was given strict orders to not ride so i thought i would listen 2 the doc and hang up my boots until the season at home, had a wicked time riding up at lake louise, the boys i was with went to kicking horse 2day and warren said it was amazing there.. yea brandy its the scaphoid

Season before last my 15 year old daughter did the same on the boarder X course at Hotham, didn’t quit clear the triples, took a drilling, removed all the skin from the right side of her face as well as the scaphoid, she rode the season out. C’mon fatima, bugger the doc, your in CANADA !!!!!! for christ sake, get out there and ride man !!!!!!!!!


thanx rider yea ill def look into the wrist guards, lol shit azz that makes me sounds weak then doesnt it!! after hearing that i would have to head back out but im away from the slopes now, i only missed out on 3 days at the end, shit but least it wasnt at the start of the trip


It did take the best part of a year to come good and still gives her grief now and again.

Tambo (Mrs Azz) did her rotator cuff in Japan and still rode. Lots of pain killers and alcohol were used at the end of the day though.