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Cyclone Yasi


As if Queensland hasn’t had enough from mother nature this year. This looks like it’s going to be huge, upgraded to category 5. They are expecting winds up to 300km/h.

Full article:


i was wondering if baby mizu was there or not….lucky

i feel sorry for them, poor buggers


Who says global warming isn’t happening. Do you rebuild after something like that happens???


Global warming is very real. Just look at what’s happening to the glaciers and ice shelves. The global temperature has risen almost a degree over the last 100 years. This is fact.


It’s also a natural process.

4 billion years old
primates for 2 million
humans for 200,000
recorded history 10,000
accurately measuring weather for 250
1? in last 100
human memory 70

It’s been constantly warming for 10,000 years. Global warming is not big news just big media playing on human psychological frailty.

Looking at the 10,000 year evidence suggests this type of weather is normal and the last 30 years was abnormally calm luring us into expecting it to remain beautiful everyday. Why do you think until 30 years ago very few people lived in Qld and those that did prepared to be nomadic. It’s only in the last 10 years we sealed the roads north of Port Douglas. Stupid government! We never sealed them in the past because they get washed away every year and then have to change the route due to the destructive weather.

The location of Darwin has been moved 3 times - not rebuilt, re located! - twice because of cyclone damage (WW2 bombings the other)
No one expects Surfers Paradise to survive a direct hit from a cat5 - it’s built on a giant sand bank and (quoting Jimmy Hendrix) like sandcastles will be swept into the sea. It has just dodged bullets for 30 years.

Noosa was all but washed away in ‘69 - the damage left a big swampland. It’s now been filled in and is a residential estate.

Why do you think Sydney was chosen as the base to settle Australia - because those that made that choice surveyed the entire coast and knew how to read geological signs. Sydney has the most consistant weather in Australia, the “Goldy Locks” theory - not to cold, not to hot, not to wet, not to dry.

So although you are right rider, it’s kind of like being surprised to find a hand at the end of your arm.

No one disagrees that global warming is happening. They disagree on the cause and have no idea of the effect.


I’m not comfortable with saying this cyclone is a direct result of global warming. Cyclones have reached as far south as Sydney and the top of NZ in the last 100years.

And the cyclone activity hasn’t increased.

When Melbourne is hit by a Cyclone, or the South Island of NZ, I’ll agree that GW may be a contributing factor.


The rate of temperate rise over the last 100 years is much faster than natural temperature rise in any other time period. There is more CO2 in the atmosphere now than there has been in the last 2 million years. That has to say something…


The atmosphere contains more than CO2 and Oxygen. Pretty much every gas is there in varying amounts. Just because it’s at the highest level is open to interpretation of what that means or will result in.

Years that have higher Sulphur levels in the atmosphere (spewed from certain volcanoes) have higher snow fall (it’s sulphur that’s used to seed snow clouds).
Volcanoes don’t cause it to snow because sun light is reduced.

CO2 in the atmosphere isn’t a large problem it means plants grow healthier and faster which will produce more oxygen.
CO2 in the ocean is a problem as it causes salt water to turn acidic. But I think before the ocean turns to acid the algae will use the CO2 the same as plants on land and balance the ph. <spaztheory>

We humans think we are the cause with cars and cows and spray cans and industry.
But one volcanic eruption can pump out more carcinogens in one month than we have since the industrial revolution!!
Imagine if we had 10 volcanoes explode in one year for 3 months each. And all volcanoes have different gas contents.

The Global Warming media phenomenon is a case of Chicken Little thinking the sky is falling. Many of the farm animals believed Chicken Little because she yelled so loud, so convincingly and at so many - and they needed a problem to talk about.