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Problem with Boots


I have a problem with snowboard boots and wondered if anyone on the forum might be able to advise. I have snowboarded in Whistler, California and Scotland and always have the same problems with boots. I hire boots as don’t go enough to buy my own pair.

Whatever pair of boots I wear I always get numb toes and my heels lift up; I then get shooting pains that go up my calf muscles. All of the boots have this affect on me and I am usually in absolute agony by the time I have got from the car to the ski lift. I usually try doing the boots up looser on the toe and tighter towards my ankle to keep my heels down but then I find it hard to control the board as I need it tighter on my toes.

It obviously really affects my ability to enjoy snowboarding and the only way I have found to deal with it is to rest every 10 mins or so, undo the boots totally, massage my calf muscles, wriggle some life bck into my toes and then lace up and get going. But obviously my progress down the slopes is slow and painful. I want to enjoy snowboarding and progress, my husband would like to go this year. I thought I would put a post on here to see if there are any experienced boot fitters out there who may be able to offer me advice.

I know that hiring boots isn’t ideal but untilI can make it down a slope without an pain I am reluctant to fork out the money for boots.


Rental boots are shit, buy your own boots. Boots are the single most important equipment you can buy. “I know that hiring boots isn’t ideal but until I can make it down a slope without an pain I am reluctant to fork out the money for boots.” Buying proper fitting and comfortable boots will make you go down the slope with no pain. Boots should fit very snugly, toes touching the ends. As far as stiffness and comfort, everyone prefers different kinds. Try on bunch of boots in the store and walk around for a while.


Hey KernowCornwall, welcome to the community!  cool smile

I’ll be honest with you but it’s probably not what you want to hear. You need to buy your own boots which are fitted properly to your feet. Rental boots are the bottom of the barrel; they are cheap to begin with, they have been worn by many different foot shapes, they have been hired out for 100+ days, they have packed out, and you will never get a good fit with rental boots. There will always be movement in the boot, as it will never be a perfect fit for your foot shape; you have to tie the boots and bindings extra tight to compensate for the movement, and therefor you’re just cutting off circulation to your feet, causing pain and numbing.

If you enjoy snowboarding and wish to continue, the best investment you could possibly make is a pair of your own boots. I must strongly suggest not to just buy the cheapest pair, but go to a good store and let them do a proper boot fit. Each foot has a unique shape and must be fitted accordingly by someone who knows the range of boots.

Yes they might be expensive, but over the course of the life of the boots, it’s the best investment you could ever make. You said it yourself, it takes the enjoyment out of snowboarding, so you’re losing value right there. And renting bots is just giving money away anyway.

If you have any questions please let me know.


I am new here but I bought boots before i even stepped on a board…. you say that you have snowboarded in all these other countries but cant afford to fork out for boots. The money you spent on hiring boots would have paid for a pair anyway. If your going to hire equipment you should at least purchase boots as these you need to suit your own foot.


Hi guys,

Thank you for the advice. Maybe I’ll start saving the pennies!

Kernow Cornwall.