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What are your goals this season?

dance floor box


What’s a dance floor box?


large super wide flat box.


Id like to beable to do switch straigh airs….I can do swith fs 180s and even 3s off small kicks but switch straight airs are frigging hard.

- land some more backflips ( i just started doing them the last week i rode)
- get a nice method happening
- learn some new grabs
- improving my edge turning a high speeds ( i dont think you can ever stop getting better at that)

but most of all id like not to get injured this season!


Nice goals CRACKERS. Switch straight airs are one of the hardest things to do on a snowboard in my opinion, especially off bigger jumps. A good exercise is riding switch over bumps. The stronger your switch riding becomes, the easier switch straight airs will be.

In regards to improving your turns at high speed, I think you could benefit from reading the more advanced articles in the Rider Progression section of the website.

Start here:

Then read steering, edging, pressure control, and carving. Hopefully your riding will benefit from reading it.

rider26 - 08 July 2009 07:16 AM
Aidy - 07 July 2009 10:05 AM

to learn to teach better

I really like that Aidy. It’s always one of my top goals. I find talking on forums such as this really helps the cause. It forces us to think and explain things very clearly, otherwise the reader won’t understand what we’re talking about. I always try keep things technical but simple at the same time. There is so much more to teaching than ‘cool, just do this..’, it takes thought and clear communication. I know how much passion you have for snowboarding Aidy, I have been lucky enough to experience it first hand. I have no doubt you will keep improving as an instructor.

working this season in NZ has made me think about my teaching as the management want us to teach NZ style so we’re all on the same page, i’m trying to incorporate the idea of peddling into my teaching which isn’t included in the CASI system i don’t think. Can’t wait to go for a shred again J, its been a while now.  keep posting the photos up they bring back good memories.


I’d like to hear about the differences between the CASI and NZ methods that you learn about.
I only know AASI methods, and I think learning about other styles can only give me more tools improve my own teaching methods.


CASI works from the top down (shoulders and upper body rotation) NZ seem to use the ankles and knees much more in the early progression and I believe they use pedelling (using both ankles independently to twist the board).  I’m not NZ trained or certified but if it didn’t cost money and boosted rather than equaled my present certification i’d love to do it.  Hopefully this season will allow me to get to know that system pretty well.


From these basics, it seems AASI is a lot like NZ.
Teaching from the bottom up makes sense to me, btu I understand that teaching larger body movements works better than the fine movements for beginners. this would point toward top down. Yet I dont teach that way either myself. What works for me is more from the middle down.

In AASI literature and publications, it lists different approaches, and doesnt say which is “better” but that there are certain applications for each method. I like that approach.
It is important to understand that the ankle movement will create the greatest response in the board, and in the body as well. It is the closets movable body part to the board.

SpeedyPB - 08 July 2009 10:51 PM

dance floor box

I saw one of these at baw baw today.


Hey Tobi, did you check out the air bag? Did you have a go? Let us know if you did… smile

rider26 - 12 July 2009 08:49 AM

Hey Tobi, did you check out the air bag? Did you have a go? Let us know if you did… smile

As far as I know it wasn’t open.
Had a quick look at the status sign when getting my ticket and it said stand by.
That said I didn’t make it further than the park all day anyway.
Was also fairly windy at Baw Baw the amount of trees on the road on the drive up was pretty bad, 15 - 20 at a rough guess. Had to even drive under one that was over the road.


I really wanted to start trying backflips this season but seein I’m now recovering from collar bone surgery I think I’ll give it a miss unless I’m landing in a big pow stash!
Really wanna get my fs and bs 3s down smooth, more variety on rail features (ie try some 270s on or switch), and get more confidence to do more down and kink rails/boxes
...I’d better get practicing lol


FS 270s to FS boardslides (or is it BS because your back is facing the rail before the spin?) are easier than standard FS boardslides imo.


If the rail is to your back when approaching the rail that would be BS.
The direction you spin is the same terminology.