The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Who’s on Twitter?


Just wondering…  raspberry


Signed up, have not logged in for longer than I can remember.


I am on Twitter… I rarely post, mostly go on the to read the people I follow. Especially V8 Supercars during the season, best way to keep up to date since I can’t stream the timing at work!


NEvery really thought of doing it really. I get everything i need on FB and here:)


I didn’t start this thread to promote our Twitter page, but you can follow us here:

I was just curious as to how many people actually use it and to what extent.


yep use it heavily smile


i dont rate it at all….it seems heaps over-rated!! but i have never checked it out so i cant say to much


I think twitter is better than FB!!!!

During winter I post on it heaps; how the first light of day makes the mountain look. Temperature in the village as I walk past the thermometer. Fresh snow fall. Tips the groomers and mountain crew give me before the lifts open and when my videos have been uploaded. Updates on weather.

I try to maintain my account so people I follow, their posts are similar - like; thredbo tweets, perisher, Whistler etc. but I also have some humorous stuff going as well - Family Guy etc.

FB is too broad and has legal concerns to how public your personal life is exposed - you can’t fart there without everyone getting access to your bank details.

Twitter is a little more basic, less personal and to the point.

It’s snowing.

I just uploaded a vid.

Check out IT’S THE BEST WEBSITE EVA! (2nd best after


Never used it. FB and Boardworld is enough for me.


I won’t join because I’ll use it too much. Facebook’s all good.


Yup I am on it almost daily.  Usually sign into FB then Twitter my Business FB page posts directly to twitter driving more traffic to it and there are heaps of great people on twitter.  Its less personal and more a business thing then FB.  Feel free to find me