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Issue with Burton Custom FV


My new board is the Custom Flying V and I’ve been overall very happy with it but underneath the channel the base is being raised and part of it is bulging out. It’s steadily been getting worse and worse the more I use it. I talked to the manager at Showcase but they will not replace it unless I get the nod from Burton that they will indeed replace it. Otherwise I will need to send the board and deal directly with Burton. He said that this is because last year he gave two customers new boards, but when he sent the damaged boards back to Burton they said ‘it was within an acceptable tolerance level’ and they had a big struggle getting replacement boards. He did however say that he thought it was pretty bad.

I also noticed a thread on the Burton Community site in which two people had the same issue (link below). One of them had already got his board replaced by Burton yet the new one had the same problem. Rider services replied on the thread saying that they can replace his board if it gets worse.

So anyway, just putting it out there. The Showcase dude basically said that this is the one flaw with the channel system. However, he did say that the majority of Burton boards will not have this problem.

I will contact Burton and see what they have to say. I can post some photos if anyone wants to see it.


Given that you are in North America, and you bought the board over there, I would get in touch with Rider Services directly. Do you have any photos of the damage to show us?


Yeah here are a couple shots of it. The board has recently been waxed.


What do you think Jeremy? I don’t know how well the photos show it.


I can’t really see what’s going on there but I think I understand based on your description. Seems like a manufacturing fault to me. Call Rider Services, tell them what’s happening, tell them you know others had the same issue. Get a RA (return authorisation) number then take that to Showcase and get them to send it back. Burton have an excellent warranty policy, I’m sure you won’t have any issues dealing with them. Let me know how it goes.


So rang Burton, got an RA No. and they said to send it to them but couldn’t promise the warranty claim would be successful until they receive it and assess it. Showcase still won’t do anything (except help with cardboard packing). Showcase fella said the RA is just a reference basically so Burton know who’s board it is etc. Basically saying that it doesn’t confirm I will get a replacement.

Not really sure what to do…

I can send it tomorrow when the post opens again. Not sure how much it will cost to send or how long it will take. As I’m still not riding due to my knee problem (was hoping to get up soon though) and the lift lines are crazy, it may be a good opportunity to do it now. Although, if I wait longer, the problem with the board is likely to get worse and therefore increase my chance of getting a new board, maybe anyway?

So this all really sux, especially considering it’s a pretty new $600+ board.

Keep this in mind if you are considering getting a Burton board…


Which store did you buy it from, Dan?

Mizu Kuma - 28 December 2010 10:34 PM

Did ya buy it from Showcase???

If ya did then they should be the ones that organized the RA and either post it away or get a rep to have a gander!!!!!

Sounds to me like it’s more of a lack of customer service on the part of Showcase (if ya purchased it from them), more than a Burton one!!!!!

I’m sure it’ll work out for ya Dan!!!!! (and if it doesn’t just email em a link to this thread)

Yeah bought it from Showcase. They should be dealing with it yeah, but as I mentioned above, they don’t want to touch it because of issues they have had getting replacement boards from Burton for this particular problem. Too much hassle for them in other words and potential loss in revenue.


Yeah, that’s just poor customer service right there. They should be sending the board back for you, regardless if a new board is guaranteed. It’s not like it’s impact damage or you bought it from another store. Speak to Mike, he is the manager at Showcase. Don’t that that crap from them. Let me know what he says.


It is pretty slack, thanks for making me realise hahaha. If they have an issue with Burton’s warranty claims they should be sorting it out with Burton not pushing it on to the customer. Anyway, told them at showcase I wasn’t happy with the service I’m getting and asked to speak with Mike, the manager. He’s in tomorrow so I’ll let you know how it goes. Not holding my breath though…


Mike wasn’t in today. A different guy at the shop told me a very similar story about not replacing boards unless they are certain they will get a replacement off the manufacturer. But he also said he thought it was defective.  Might go in tomorrow when Mike is meant to be in, but expect the same deal. I’ve emailed Burton and written on their forum telling them how disappointed I am etc. Pretty annoyed at Showcase and Burton really. Both just don’t seem to want to take the responsibility of dealing with a faulty board. Will see what Burton come back with though.


Showcase is lame. I guess that’s what happens when you’re owned by Whistler Blackcomb. Just stick to your guns, persistance pays. Meanwhile, just keep riding your board. If you need a loaner while they deal with your board, let me know.

Dan, if it’s cool with you, I might split your board issue posts into its own thread? Just so we don’t have pages of it in the product feedback thread.


Yeah thanks dude.

No worries, makes sense to not clog this thread.


Doesn’t phase me either way, but would it be a good idea to maybe put the first post of this thread back in the product feedback thread. Just seeing as it’s feedback on issues with the Burton channel system.


Any chance you could re-post it in there? Just edit, copy/paste.

Mizu Kuma - 31 December 2010 01:19 AM
rider26 - 31 December 2010 01:15 AM

Any chance you could re-post it in there? Just edit, copy/paste.

You’ll have to speak to the manager about doin that!!!!!  raspberry


Rider, yeah I’ll put it in the other thread.