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Who is feeling the pain? Whistler Chiropractic


Just a note to all the riders in whistler needing a re-alignment or healing massage. Head down to whistler Chiropractic in the St. Andrews building next door to the keg! Also check out the website at
I have personally been experiencing a lot of problems with alignment in my hips and lower back for many years. In only a couple short sessions in the clinic I am getting results I never thought I would achieve!
My favorite thing about Whistler Chiropractic is the fact that it is owned and operated by local athletes who understand the wear and tear that whistler can inflict on your body…
Taking proper care of your body will insure a long and prosperous season to remember!


I’m coming in for an adjustment when I get back to Whistler. If they can fix your body shaner, they must be able to work miracles!  tongue wink

p.s. I’ll move this to Mountains and Travel or Health and Fitness soon.


These guys are good.

I’ve been to see them a couple of times and they know what they are doing.