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Greasy Grease.. stuff that makes you cooler when you snowboard

lets talk stuff that isnt exactly fohpa (pardon my spelling (or lack there of))


wanna know how to get that extra press on your board that isnt exactly a jibbing noodle…
make cuts with an exacto knife horizontaly in the nose and tail of your board, thru the top sheet only…obviously.
And release more press then the sunday news!!!

thats greasy stuff tho guys


>try and follow me thru this thought process.
magnets, magnets use polarity to attract metal.
Metal is used thuroughly in snowboarding.
zippers, clasps, chair lifts, gondolas , edges!
Edges are metal.
Edges slide on other metal, Rails!
Snowboarders slide rails.
rails are metal.
rails are attracted to magnets, or vice versa.
If we were to somehow attach magnets to our snowboards, maybe through the wonders of duct tape technology…
we could all be on to somthing here.
Magnets attract rails, we slide them with our snowboards, if we put magnets on our snowboards we could slide forever.
Now take my idea and run with it before burton gets there hands on it.



if you have a mega phone and some dice n shit itsall good.


for leisurely park laps…yes those are awesome utensils to be packing.

Kanga-Ruey - 23 June 2009 06:00 AM

if you have a mega phone and some dice n shit itsall good.

just look out for those snake eyes on the dice… they are a real buzz killer….


How about hard booting?


using a saw to cut off the tips of the board beyond the bindings really reduces swing weight!

Pabst, Faux pax, is the expression you were looking for.

pabst101 - 23 June 2009 05:52 AM

  if we put magnets on our snowboards we could slide forever.


I`m actually thinking the opposite…..

like…Stop Dead…

but then you could say ” I really stuck that trick”..

Banger - 23 June 2009 06:36 AM

How about hard booting?

I gots some hard boots, man.
I get on my hard boot set up about twice each season.
I diddnt start on hard boots, but I wanted to have that equipment to learn how to ride it.
Last I rode it was on a mellow blue run at Killintgon, VT it was a good few runs.
It was the end of a good day riding and I changed equipment, just to get some more turns in. it’s quite a challenge, but so nice…
it is actually hard to skid a turn, and easier to carve, but you have to trust the edge.
I’ve not got to very high speeds yet, It’s tougher than I am.


sorry about my spelling snowslider.

and magnets wouldnt make you stop on a rail dude, it would make you lock in tight!

unless you come at with snail like speed.

plus i was joking, i mean come on! Magnets?


NP Pabst, that word is a hard one.
Here’s my latest contribution to your thread…

things that make you cooler when you snowboard… like danglers and….
Puffy collars on your jacket:

And Silly hats with camoflauge too.

With all that camo I may not have seen him if it wasnt for that silly hat!
I think he was hoping he could skip some lift lines.

pabst101 - 03 July 2009 04:10 AM

plus i was joking, i mean come on! Magnets?

I hear that Magnettraction is the latest greatest thing..


Magnettraction… hahaha that’s gold.


Speaking of magnets why don’t we try the opposite theory…

Opposite poles attract right, well why don’t we put the same sided poles against eachother for ultimate repulsion?

Could work a wonder on the lips of jumps, who needs pop when you have nature on your side!

treynolds - 07 July 2009 08:36 AM

Speaking of magnets why don’t we try the opposite theory…

Opposite poles attract right, well why don’t we put the same sided poles against eachother for ultimate repulsion?

Could work a wonder on the lips of jumps, who needs pop when you have nature on your side!

and get launched off the lip!