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Have posted this thread on behalf of Rad:
Let’s see the best wipeouts of the season ! I’m going to find a prize for the best caught on camera. Here are a few for inspiration. Happy shredding !
Check out Benji Pearla’s backflip attempt on YouTube.
Haha awesome idea for a thread! I’m sure I can find a few photos somewhere…
I stole this one from another thread, but it definately is suitable for this thread.
Rider: surferguy56, Photographer: Just Giver
Not me and not a snowboarder but worth a laugh.
Not me and not a snowboarder but worth a laugh.
Hahaha that was awesome. The camera man was like “WOAH!”
Hahahaha that’s hilarious!!
Not me and not a snowboarder but worth a laugh.
It is a snowboarder . It’s from the 2003 movie White Balance. In the above link they cut the clip before he pulls his arms out of the snow and gives the thumbs up.
Ahh dude, that seq is awesome! A sure winner!! I ate it! :D
Great topic idea!
I’m looking forward to many great photos in this one.
I have a couple to list myself.
heres a backflip attempt that was funny,i cut it for another comp but never ended up sending it
My friend Kendall.
I think this was in the trees at Arapahoe basin (A-basin), Co.
Kendall had never rode such good snow, nor been in the trees like this before either.
Falling head down the hill and on your back can be NOT fun to get out of, the deeper the harder it is to get back up.
here’s another, not snow, but ice.
It’s a funny pic the way she is reaching up and laughing.
Does she pull the same pose everytime she falls over? hahah
Glad to see someone enjoying themselves, ice skating kicks ass!
My buddy after an accidental backflip attempt.
This is me a few years ago, completely stuck, with a separated shoulder.
Here is a video of me stacking over the falls creek bus from last year
Hahaha ohh man that looked brutal, really good to see you were ok. I also had a accident off the bus last year at the Burton product launch, came off it and landed on my head. I got all sorts of cheers and hoots from people on the chairlift. I hit it perfectly the first time and my buddy from work was like… oh dude that was really cool, do it again and I will get a photo. I agreed, we went back up. Only this time I had to stop at the feature before the bus so he could get the camera ready. Not a good idea… I remember looking at it saying to myself… I don’t think I can get enough speed from here. I jumped up a few more metres and used the box to launch myself for a bit more speed. I was going into it thinking it was going to end badly from the lack of speed. Went for it anyway, yep, not fast enough… just got on the box and as I started losing my speed I started sliding off the side of the bus. Tried to save myself in vain but ended landing on my head on the side of the chairlift. Surprisingly I didn’t hurt myself too bad. I will have a look, I think I have the photo somewhere…