The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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Heat (made in 1995 I think?)
best scene was the coffee shop discussion with Al Pacino and Robert De Niro…..
what about the massive gun battle super long and crazy.
yup - even the size of those machine guns - they looked MEAN!
Rocky Horror Picture Show-best musical ever, way better than that lame as Sound of Music
Saving Private Ryan
Shawshank Redemption
Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill 1 & 2
Forest Gump
Godfather I,II,III
Two Hands
American History X
City Of God (Seen it Jeremy, love it)
Lord Of War
The Power Of One
Into The Wild (Even though I may never watch it again)
Step Brothers
Hot Rod
Karate Kid 1, 2 & 3
Back To The Future 1, 2 & 3
My all time fav, Sargeant York.
I spent way too much time thinking of that list. I think there would be a few more I could trow in there too.
Another Step Brothers fan, I really missed something there.
cheers by people creative got the flick the other day…. should check it out
Step brothers, nightmare on elm street, the dark knight, flip-extremely sorry, globe-united by fate.
Yes man is a good one
I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell
-such a funny movie. Was a random i picked off the shelf. Watched it three times in the one weekend. Havent laughed so much in ages.
a must see movie is defiantly SOCIAL NETWORK
Yep thought Young Einstein as soon as I read Young Frankenstein.
And Young Einstein!!!!
That was a cracker movie from my younger days. Wasn’t it the same guy who was in Reckless Kelly? I think I liked that movie too.
Yeh same actor, his name is Yahoo Serious
He also wrote and directed both movies. And did the groundwork to sell them to…. Warner Bros, I think.
He shot Young Einstein on his home video camera and then got the finances to do it properly.
Legend effort in my books.