The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Wednesday 17th November 2010


Morning Folks,

spaz, I know your awake. Have a great day.

Mizu, go surfing or do something constructive today, adding to your post count is not acceptable.

All of you in the NoHo, go snowboarding, its not winter forever you know !!!!!!


Good morning everyone,

It’s my first (permanent) morning here in Whistler. I have a big mission for today: get my lift pass! The mountain opens on Friday which I am absolutely stoked about. I hope to be catching up with Finney and Dan tonight at Sushi Village (so good).

I hope you all have a great day back home. Enjoy the sunny weather!  cool smile


morning all…

Got my bank account sorted so have just handed in all my paperwork for my lift pass so should have it all sorted for Friday since they reckon it’ll take 48 hours to get it done so just in time. May have to take advantage of staff discount on thursday night and grab some new gear raspberry

and Jeremy.. Sushi Village is definitely on for tonight grin


Howdy everyone,

Getting excited for you boys about to get started in Whistler!

Suns out today, which is nice but im still hoping for rain as its still paddling season for me. WIll have to start doing some organising for our trip this weekend. Heading up to do some of the East Kiewa River Branches (Pretty Valley and Rocky Valley) and maybe the West Kiewa out near Falls creek. So excited to do these rivers as they are pretty full on


Yeah see you soon Jeremy!!

I’ll remember to say hi, thanks Mizu wink


What a boring day at work will this week ever end!! So wish it was still winter this warm weather is driving me crazy already!


hey yaw’ll

It’s not often someone can say “I’ve been served” and mean it in the legal sense. but I’ve been served!

Been crackin away at dealing with that the last 2 days, and yes Azz, I was up. at 5am!!!!

I kit the keyboard foe a while then mowed the lawn, and it rained while I did it! got soaked because I was so close to finishing when it started. Had a warm shower and hit the keyboard again.

Gotto stop now, I’ve got a headache. Just thought I would check n first.


We an awesome dinner tonight with Dan, Finney, and Rhiannon (Dan’s girlfriend). So stoked to meet up with the Boardworld crew. And lots of fish and hot Saki.  grin

Mizu, we all said hi to each other for you. wink

Mizu Kuma - 17 November 2010 08:17 AM

Keep ya chin up spaz!!!!!

Always look on the bright side of life!!!! (I am whistlin the tune right now, and even though ya can’t hear me ya can try to imagine it)

spaz before =  downer  spaz now =  grin

We got your back spaz, thoughts are with you man.  cool smile

rider26 - 17 November 2010 08:23 AM

We an awesome dinner tonight with Dan, Finney, and Rhiannon (Dan’s girlfriend). So stoked to meet up with the Boardworld crew. And lots of fish and hot Saki.  grin

Mizu, we all said hi to each other for you. wink

Yeah was a great night! Will definitely have to do it again sometime soon smile


I’ll echo the above posts.. great night out with the whistler boardworld crew grin


i want to be whistling while in Whistler.