The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Lining Up for the rest of the week - MONDAY


Come on Azz, you’ve been up for an hour and haven’t got here yet.

What’s the go?


Ola muchachos!

Back from Sydney and Melbourne weather has gone back to winter. Hmmph.


Flying Empire? We may have crossed paths at the airport last night.

I drove in with mum who was going to Brisvagas and picking up stepdad who was returning from Melbs. There was 2 hours to kill between their flights.


Sorry Spaz….....

Vanity top templated for new glass top… CHECK
Mirror measured up ready to order…...CHECK
Children up, fed, dressed and lunches made…. CHECK
Heading off to school….. CHECK

Weather sux here, raining again.

The chaotic run in to Christmas is on like donkey kong !!!!!!


water dropped back to really bloody cold today….waves picked up from the NE. just got out after 4hrs! it was good today…..just me and 30groms the first hour haha


yeah I saw it was good…wasn’t happy about leaving for work :-(


Nah we were back here for the weekend to “enjoy” this weather Spaz.

After a long lunch at one of my builders expense, I think I’m really for a Costanza about now…