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Fake Friday line up


Morning all… fake friday for me since my body says its friday but i’m caught in the longest thursday ever.. left syd at 12:15pm thursday and it’s now 8:30am thursday all over again.

Sitting in vancouver intl airport at the moment taking advantage of the free wireless they have here whilst waiting for my bus up to whistler.

Whats everyone got planned for the weekend?


Morning finney.

You lucky bugger, have a great season cool smile

Nothing much on here for the weekend, the BOM tells me that we are going to get lots of rain, again.

Just chill out at home I guess.


Dam we do like catching worms Azz!

I have no idea what the weekend has install - gotta see what happens today first. One thing for certain is working on legal documents which is really doing my head in.


Morning all.

Lovely day here again in paradise but I’m cheering cos I’m off to work at the local high school. Work days are rare as hen’s teeth this time of year so I’m happy to take what I can get! Probably be fun to go for a longboard right about now but money is good, too!


I’ve decided its such a nice day so far . . it will carry through the weekend smile  . . unlike last week…and the week before . . . . oh oh


Yay! Pay Day! I can go get some petrol and stop having to ride my bike to work everyday!

Mizu Kuma - 12 November 2010 02:19 AM

And K2, if ya stop goin on those alcohol fuelled weekends of debauchery, ya might make it through the pay week with a bit more coin in the pocket!!!!

haha this is very true mizu! but what makes it worse is i get paid monthly not weekly mad


haha today it was. First day of work in a few weeks so bank account needs pumping up…and it went strong NE onshore anyway!


Nah, not wakin anyone here, I might be awake but I stay in bed for several hours.
I just took this photo of my room at mums. This is were I’ll be spending my days recovering from the knee reco.
For now I spend as much time in here just to make sure it’s set up right wink


Oh yeah- it’s got A/C wich is crankin hard today.


need to swap the quilt for a leopard skin design.

Mizu Kuma - 12 November 2010 02:19 AM

Lucky mongrel finney!!!! Please keep your postin to a minimum from now on!!!!


where is the love


any1 else enjoying a beer on this lovely day???

Mizu Kuma - 12 November 2010 05:54 AM

How did ya do that knee again???

The only fun way to do ya knee… snowboarding of course!

I was trying to clear a table top jump while practicing for the Thredbo BX. I was totally committed and felt in the zone so believed I would land on the down side. (now I know you normally absorb most jumps in a BX race but wanted to know if it was doable just incase- you never know what may happen with 4 people in the same race).  Only I came up short and landed with all my weight on my front leg on the flat section. My knee must have gone out and in instantly. I didn’t fall and rode out of the landing but sat down as I could feel some pain. Very quickly the pain increased and I was in and out of consciousness for a few minutes (first time ever for me due to pain) within 5 min I could slide again and within 10 min was able to ride off the hill pulling some decent (but wary) turns.

But it was a rare day I didn’t have my camera on! Do’H

5 days later I was riding again. I’ll find that vid.


Her it is. I had driven to Sydney and spoke to a knee surgeon after getting an MRI and 2 lots of Xrays done, he was pretty impressed with my recovery as I had full movement so I drove straight back to Thredbo from his consultation.

The MRI showed significant bone bruising, a cracked bone, minuscule tear and ruptured ACL. I bought a $100 brace, used compression bandages and wrapped that all with another standard bandage from ankle to thigh.

You’ll notice a camera bag on my shoulder. I had to shoot a race my first day back and only did half a run. The next day was the same and the day after I was running around the finish line of a race course taking portrait shots.
The next 3 days I rested because my knee swelled up and hurt!

I truly believe in the power of the mind. And because I trained in Ballet for 12 years and have very developed muscle tone was able to isolate the muscle to help hold my knee together.


Hottest day eva to be working on a roof whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo….. Cant wait till my next snow trip!!!