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Rugby League has sunk to a new low.


Have you guys heard what’s going on with Joel Monaghan from the Raiders?

I honestly thought we’d heard it all, but this really has taken it to a new low.

Canberra Raiders star Joel Monaghan has confirmed that he is the player in question in a photograph that has been published on the internet featuring a sex act with a dog.

The photograph of Monaghan, a NSW and Australian representative, was taken during Canberra’s Mad Monday festivities.

Monaghan issued a statement through his manager Jim Banaghan today expressing both remorse and disgust at an alcohol fuelled prank that led to images being circulated across social networks.

“Joel can’t blame anyone but himself for an act of stupidity that will haunt him for the rest of his life,” the statement said.

“Joel wants to make it clear that he was the one playing a prank on an absent team mate by simulating the act.

“There are no words of explanation that can be offered because none can be appropriate.

“Joel has to now face his family as well as fans and supporters with that shame and has already undergone counselling to help him cope with the consequences of what has happened.

“It was a moment of abject stupidity brought about by too much drink and a complete lack of any thought process.

“The fact that someone has sought to compound the situation further by the use of social media only adds to the trauma but Joel accepts that it is his actions alone that are at fault.

“He apologises unreservedly for the outrage that people feel at the moment and blames nobody but himself.

“He will meet the club over the issue and accepts that there must be ramifications but the fact is he is not in a fit emotional state to have those discussions at the moment.

“Joel is a genuinely good person who is simply shattered by a moment of sheer madness.”

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Raiders CEO, Don Furner said he had not seen the picture but had been informed of its content and was investigating further.

“If he did it, it is something he will live with for the rest of his life,” Furner told reporters in Canberra.

“We don’t know whether it’s authentic but I am as appalled as everyone else.

“If he did do it, I don’t know why he would do it.”


WTF, thats pretty bad. What is wrong with that dude, cant get a girlfriend so ill try and shag me dog. So what the hell happens now does he go to doggy court lol.. I dont footy players should be able to drink and its not doin the sport very good is it!!!!!! YUKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK


That’s just sad…


^^^ hell yes hit the nail on the head there


The papers are saying it was ‘simulated’... when I saw the photo it sure as hell didn’t look like it!!!