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Whats your juice???


Grey Goose and Jim Beam are my favourite spirits. I like a good tequila shot too.

Other than that a nice bottle of red wine or a few beers.


Since we are talking about BEER….
I hear that you cant buy a Corona in Mexico… that it’s advertised as a Mexican beer, but it really isnt at all.
just hearsay.

But what is the deal with Foster’s?
It’s “Australian for beer” right?

enlighten me.


eddie is knocking back a new right now!!

fast eddie - 04 November 2010 05:55 AM

eddie is knocking back a new right now!!

i like the sound of that

Mizu Kuma - 04 November 2010 03:34 AM
snowslider - 04 November 2010 03:25 AM

Since we are talking about BEER….
I hear that you cant buy a Corona in Mexico… that it’s advertised as a Mexican beer, but it really isnt at all.
just hearsay.

But what is the deal with Foster’s?
It’s “Australian for beer” right?

enlighten me.

You actually will have trouble gettin a Fosters over here in OZ, slider!!!

We used to wash our pet kangaroos in it until the RSPCA outlawed it!!!!

Lol, yer the postman delivers the mail on one as well


They love Foster’s in the UK. I think it’s there budget beer. No one buys it in Oz though.

Warren Chapstick - 04 November 2010 08:24 PM
Mizu Kuma - 04 November 2010 03:34 AM
snowslider - 04 November 2010 03:25 AM

Since we are talking about BEER….
I hear that you cant buy a Corona in Mexico… that it’s advertised as a Mexican beer, but it really isnt at all.
just hearsay.

But what is the deal with Foster’s?
It’s “Australian for beer” right?

enlighten me.

You actually will have trouble gettin a Fosters over here in OZ, slider!!!

We used to wash our pet kangaroos in it until the RSPCA outlawed it!!!!

Lol, yer the postman delivers the mail on one as well

I’ve never had one. I think i may get one when it is time to buy a beverage, and I dont want a 6-pack.
I think they sell in 20 or 24 ounce cans here. but of course you can get it in a 6pack or something too. Never seen it in a bottle only a can.
I’ll let you know how that goes when the time comes.

Do they sell American beer in Aus, like it is something special?


It’s nice to drink Kokanee in Canada again…

Also I was just introduced to a Caesar (similar to a Bloody Mary), and it was awesome! It was so surprising, when I first heard what was in it, I never thought it would be a drink I would like - well I love it.


So, I tried a Fosters.
We bought one of each, a blue can, and a green can labeled “premium ale”

I think both tasted pretty lame, I wont buy one again.
Weak in flavor, I diddnt even finish my can.
Wifey finished hers, but it was like she was forcing it down.

Mizu Kuma - 07 November 2010 10:15 PM

What’s in a ‘Caesar’???

Vodka, Clamato juice, Tabasco sauce, Worcestershire sauce, a celery stick, and salt around the rim.


It sure doesn’t sound appetising Rider! But until I’ve tried it…

Good work trying a fosters snowslider! I don’t think I’ve ever had one to tell the truth.

Mizu Kuma - 08 November 2010 03:20 AM
rider26 - 08 November 2010 02:34 AM
Mizu Kuma - 07 November 2010 10:15 PM

What’s in a ‘Caesar’???

Vodka, Clamato juice, Tabasco sauce, Worcestershire sauce, a celery stick, and salt around the rim.

Hmmmm, it sounds interestin, but how many bottles of op rum do ya drink before it???  hmmm

Gotta get the Celery Salt around the rim instead of plain old salt, makes a huge difference.

kneeboard - 03 November 2010 08:07 AM
cords - 01 November 2010 03:05 AM

Rekordelig Apple Cider. Drank this stuff heaps in sweden & it tastes a million times better than strongbow or any other cider on the australian market.
Hadn’t found it here though but was stoked to find it in the coledale bottle shop a month or so ago. $6 for a 500ml bottle is fairly steep but its so damn good!

Try Dan Murphy’s!! found a few bottles in there a few weeks ago, they also mentioned another flavour they were bringing in, strawberry and something.
I prefer Bulmers as the DP hotel had it on tap.
Have to say am quite fond of Cooper’s Pale Ale for beer, and Dalwhinnie for scotch.

yep strawberry and lime. its fricken delicious. Closest dan murphy’s is miles away but I’ll get down there one day and stock up.
Crackers gave me a whole case of the apple one as a present at our viking themed engagement party last friday. So good!


JD is my drink, or Kahlua with coke, mmmm taste like chocolate coke!

Non alcoholic I looooooooooooooooooooooooove dr pepper! OMG so good!!


Amaretto on the rocks anyone?