The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Oh hai guys!!!


Yewwww. Finally got my PC fixed! Thought I’d better check loony bin out and see how you guys were doing.

What have I missed? Give me the good oil.


Mizu talks to much

Rider has head OS for NoHo season

I am still the Father in this place.

That is all, carry on cheese


Oh, and I just changed my avatar


You’ve missed soooo much jolly good times Tills. Glad to here your back. How long’s it been?


Hey tills…....

Good to see ya back dude, didnt know what was goin on and where you’ve been, I was gunna start putting posters up everywhere…...
Boardworld member missing reward if found lol…... Good to see ya back


Hey Tills!

I was wondering what happened to you. Good to have you back buddy!

What’s been happening?


Give us the story on where ya been, and what you been up to.


Not much has been happening guys. My laptop at home decided to sh*t itself, right about the same time work blocked BW, which I was spewing about.

Not much has been going on at my end while I’ve been away though. Oh, I got a promotion at work which was pretty sweet. Especially since they threw me a shiny Nissan Navara ST-X to drive around in. So pretty rapt about that.

Oh, and I bought my a new camera lens which I can’t wait to try out this weekend.

Apart from that though, it’s business as usual!

Oh! had a sweet weekend down at Matty’s (Empire’s) beach house the other week. Went on a fishing charter and brought home a nice haul of flatty to eat for dinner. And we found out that wheelbarrows make pretty sweet fire pits.


Nice one Tills. Congrats on the job promotion!

Which lens did you buy? We are currently in the market for a good zoom lens for the Canon 40D.

So you have a new laptop now?


mmmmm…. flathead


We must ask… Mac or PC?


I finally got a laptop! So nice after not having a computer for about 7 months.


and beer batter mmmmmmm!



Close enough…

rider26 - 03 November 2010 07:03 PM

Nice one Tills. Congrats on the job promotion!

Which lens did you buy? We are currently in the market for a good zoom lens for the Canon 40D.

So you have a new laptop now?

I bought the Canon EF 100-400L mate. I love it. I’ll hopefully give it its first workout this weekend.

Do you know what lens you’re looking at mate? I can thoroughly recommend any of the Canon 70-200 lenses mate. I have the f/4L non-IS, which is the cheapest of the lot, but it’s a stunning lens. Pretty sure you can buy them over there for about $650USD. If that’s within your budget I wouldn’t look any further.

I do have a new laptop, as well as had my other laptop repaired. I have a new desktop PC for photos too! It’s all happening, I should open a computer store!


Thanks mate, yeah we are looking for a good zoom lens. We were actually looking at the 70-200 lenses, and that’s probably just about where our budget is. I’m going into town today so I’ll check them out at the store. Cheers for the advice!