The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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Hi Guys
Well after a ( Ahem ) 40 yr break ??, I am 54 now, I have just recently gotten back onto a board as my 9yo Son decided to take up Skateboarding 3 weeks ago ?
We have been trying to get out to our local Skate Parks every day as Jakey is very enthused , so I am taking advantage of that ?
I must say, for me , these Skateboards are a little different to the Superflex Cruisers and Longloards I rode as a kid ?? But Great Fun ??
40 years is too much broo
Great to hear..
I am ready to start cruising as well (as soon as I get new trucks and bearings). I have never cruised before because since I was a kid I had this weird skateboard. Not complete but it was still weird, hard wheels and very difficult to turn.
How do you deal with stones or potholes or other stuff that can block your wheels? Are you super careful and watch the way in front of you? Thats the only think I am scared of. I know that it is super easy to fall while riding, right? Shareit
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